Unique Volunteers: 74
Service Statistics*
- Households Served: 458
- Seniors Served: 248
- Adults Served: 816
- Children Served: 670
- Individuals Served: 1,734
- Meals Served: 15,606
- Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry: 332
- Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry: 126
Food Received
- First Community: 3,082 pounds
- GiantEagle: 1,450 pounds
- Marc’s: 402 pounds
- Mid-Ohio Foodbank:
- Order 11,688 pounds ($1,563.40)
- Shop Thru: 4,030 pounds
*Heart to Heart was closed the last week of December, resulting in only 7 service days for the month.