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Want to Help?

Our community of volunteers is AMAZING!

Follow these steps:

  1. Read about our volunteer roles and procedures.
  2. Sign up online using SignUpGenius.
  3. Show up at the designated time.
  4. We will welcome you and get you started!
Sign up to Volunteer


If you have signed up for a shift and can no longer volunteer, please log in to your account and delete your sign-up. If there are 24 hours or less before your shift, please also call 614-488-0681 x203 to let us know.

Complete Procedures

Volunteer Roles

Client Drive-Thru Volunteer


Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Opening Shift 8:30 am – 10:30 am
    (help set up and begin serving clients)
  • Closing Shift 10 am– 12:30 pm
    (finish serving clients and help clean up)

Give out food and non-food items from assigned section in our Drive-Thru. Meet in church lobby or the small Annex building via the rear entrance.

Shop & Stock Volunteer

Regular Stocking Hours

Monday 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Wednesday 5:00 – 6:30 pm (Youth Ministry only during fall, winter, and spring)

Fill empty dry goods boxes, stock food and other items, and prepare the next day’s Drive-Thru. Stocking may involve repeated heavy lifting. Enter through the kitchen door down the alley.

Cold Stocking Volunteer

This opportunity is for adults or minors with guardians present. Help unload and stock frozen meat and refrigerated foods in the Annex and Lincoln Road Chapel. Heavy lifting up to 80 pounds may be required. Come inside the rear entrance of the annex building and meet in room A104

Pop-Up Pantry

Visit PUP page for more info. Please contact Melody Smiley or Rose Kandel with any questions.

Schedule: varies

Pick Up Donations & Orders

Those doing Direct Retail Pickups should be able to repetitively lift at least 50lbs (and sometimes up to 80lbs), but there may be help available on site. You may wish to shadow another volunteer doing a pickup before performing one alone to learn about the operation. A large capacity vehicle (van, truck or SUV) is recommended for all pickups.

The Heart to Heart van may be available for pickups, if scheduled in advance. To use the van, a signed waiver form, copies of your driver’s license, and insurance card will be required. If you are new to this procedure, please contact the Food Pantry Manager at least 24 hours beforehand for further instructions. Please email if you have any questions about any of the pickups listed below.

Shop Thru

This is an opportunity provided by the Mid-Ohio Food Collective (MOFC) for partner agencies to pick up additional products and fresh produce at no cost to us. It is our main source of produce for the food pantry Drive-Thru.

Address: 3960 Brookham Dr., Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-317-9426


Monday: 8 am – 9  am
Tuesday: 8 am – 9 am
Wednesday: 1 pm – 2 pm
Thursday: 8 am – 9 am

Monday and Wednesday pickups are delivered to room A104 in the annex building. Tuesday and Thursday pickups are delivered directly to the Drive-Thru outside the Crane Center at First Community South. Carts will be available for unloading.


This opportunity is for experienced volunteers only. Please show up at MOFC at the start time listed above. Go to the agency side of the parking lot, which faces I-270 near the loading docks. After parking, please wait in your vehicle and call 614-317-9426 to check in. Tell them you are from Heart to Heart. Our agency number is 1042. Once a bay door is available, they will contact you, and you will be limited to 20 minutes for the Shop-Thru, and 10 minutes to load the vehicle. Detailed instructions are available here >>

Giant Eagle

Address: 3061 Kingsdale Shopping Center
Phone: 614-538-0762


Monday: 8 am – 9 am
Friday: 9 am – 10 am


This opportunity is for adults only.

Please arrive at Giant Eagle at the start time listed above. The loading dock is on the south side of the building. You can walk right in the open door. Tell the employees that you are there to pick up donations for Heart to Heart food pantry. They will bring the donations, and sometimes help load the vehicle. Individual boxes can be up to 80+ pounds of frozen meat.

Deliver to room A104 in the rear of the Annex building at First Community South. Carts will be available for unloading. The boxes will be weighed and logged electronically as part of the MOFC Direct Retail Pickup Program, before being stocked by volunteers signed up for Cold Stocking.


This is the food pantry’s primary source of refrigerated foods, such as yogurt, juice, and desserts.

Address: 1828 W Henderson Rd (Northwest Shopping Center)
Phone: 614-457-3030


Fridays 9 am – 10 am


This opportunity is for adults only. Expect to pick up around 4-8 boxes.  A large capacity vehicle is recommended (van, truck, or SUV). Please call the manager at the number listed above if you cannot make a scheduled pick-up.

Access Marc’s from the alleyway running behind Northwest Shopping Center and park as close as possible to the large unmarked “air door” opening – look for long plastic strips hanging from the top of the doorway. Walk through the air door and find a clerk, who is usually seated at a desk to the right. Identify yourself as a Heart to Heart food pantry volunteer and ask if they have any donations.

Deliver to room A104 in the rear of the annex building. Carts will be available for unloading. The boxes will be weighed and logged electronically as part of the Mid-Ohio Food Collective Direct Retail Pickup program.

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God

In accordance with Federal law and U.S.D.A. policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.