Congrats, Bill!
“March is my one-year anniversary of volunteering at our Heart to Heart Food Pantry. Having retired at the end of 2023, I soon realized how much I missed being involved in the community and being around a team of people who are focused on a mission. I have been a member of First Community Church for thirty-six years and have had the good fortune of serving on a number of Boards, Committees and Councils during those years, all of which were very fulfilling. However, I can truly say that the opportunity to be part of the amazing Heart to Heart team and work alongside such wonderful colleagues is just what I was looking for! It is always a joy to come to South Campus and jump in with the team knowing that we are graciously serving our neighbors in the Columbus Community and trying to make their days a bit better with our caring attitude and service. I always feel uplifted when I finish a shift with Heart to Heart and am so grateful to have just spent quality time with such wonderful people.”