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August 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 66


Service Statistics

Households: 469

Seniors Served (age 60+): 219

Adults Served (18 – 59): 725

Children Served (birth – 17): 484

Individuals Served: 1,428

Meals Provided: 12852


Food Received

First Community: 770 pounds

GFS:  356 pounds

GiantEagle: 2401 pounds

Marc’s: 493 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 238 pounds

Starbucks:  630 pounds

Target: 2458 pounds

MOFB Order: 6778 pounds


July 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 66


Service Statistics

Households: 444

Seniors Served (age 60+): 207

Adults Served (18 – 59): 753

Children Served (birth – 17): 469

Individuals Served: 1,429

Meals Provided: 12,861


Food Received

First Community: 1326 pounds

GFS:  138 pounds

GiantEagle: 1843 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 82 pounds

Marc’s: 633 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 238 pounds

Starbucks:  958 pounds

Target: 3,656 pounds

MOFB Total: 7,280 pounds

Purchased:  6,778 pounds

Donated: 502 pounds

June 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 67


Service Statistics

Households: 338

Seniors Served (age 60+): 174

Adults Served (18 – 59): 652

Children Served (birth – 17): 414

Individuals Served: 1,240

Meals Provided: 11,160


Food Received

First Community: 375 pounds

GFS:  843 pounds

GiantEagle: 2805 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 321 pounds

Marc’s: 362 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 221 pounds

Starbucks: 706 pounds

Target: 2681 pounds


MOFB Total: 6,307 pounds

Purchased: 5,733 pounds

Donated: 574 pounds

May 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 67


Service Statistics

Households: 334

Seniors Served (age 60+): 164

Adults Served (18 – 59): 659

Children Served (birth – 17): 469

Individuals Served: 1,292

Meals Provided: 11,628


Food Received

First Community: 1100 pounds

GFS:  284 pounds

GiantEagle: 1812 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 339 pounds

Marc’s: 400 pounds

Meijer: 543 pounds

Starbucks: 706 pounds

Target: 4516 pounds

MOFB Total: 1263 pounds

Purchased: 411 pounds

Donated: 852 pounds

April 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 71


Service Statistics

Households: 442

Seniors Served (age 60+): 209

Adults Served (18 – 59): 817

Children Served (birth – 17): 646

Individuals Served: 1,672

Meals Provided: 15,039


Food Received

First Community: 2659 pounds

GFS:  277 pounds

GiantEagle: 1666 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 184 pounds

Marc’s: 469 pounds

Starbucks: 493 pounds

Target: 3264 pounds

MOFB Total: 1263 pounds

Purchased: 411 pounds

Donated: 852 pounds

March 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 101

Food Donated to Other Agencies: 2,605


Service Statistics

Households: 522

Seniors Served (age 60+): 287

Adults Served (18 – 59): 948

Children Served (birth – 17): 694

Individuals Served: 1,929

Meals Provided: 17,361


Food Received

First Community: 1,141 pounds

GFS: 553 pounds

GiantEagle: 1,345 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 153 pounds

Marc’s: 385 pounds

Starbucks: 1,381 pounds

Target: 4,471 pounds

MOFB Total: 5,630 pounds

Purchased: 3,347 pounds

Donated: 2,283 pounds

February 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 78

Food Donated to Other Agencies: 973 pounds


Service Statistics

Households 337

Seniors Served (age 60+) 201

Adults Served (18 – 59) 601

Children Served (birth – 17) 434

Individuals Served  1236

Meals Provided 11,124


Food Received

First Community: 3,946 pounds

Big Lots: 298 pounds

GFS: 666 pounds

GiantEagle: 2401 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 1,248 pounds

Marc’s: 811 pounds

Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 8,339 pounds

Purchased: 6,283 pounds

Donated:  2075 pounds

Starbucks: 704 pounds

Target: 1,940 pounds

January 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 73

Food Donated to Other Agencies: 387 pounds


Service Statistics

Households 441

Seniors Served (age 60+) 230

Adults Served (18 – 59) 828

Children Served (birth – 17) 554

Individuals Served  1612

Meals Provided 14508


Food Received

First Community: 1362 pounds

GFS: 340 pounds

GiantEagle: 2401 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 273 pounds

Marc’s: 286 pounds

Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 9540 pounds

Purchased: 5194 pounds

Donated:  4346 pounds

Starbucks: 586 pounds

Target: 3203 pounds

December 2020 stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 104

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 578
  • Seniors Served: 204
  • Adults Served: 1,017
  • Children Served: 864
  • Individuals Served: 2,085
  • Meals Served: 18,765

Food Received

  • First Community: 4,904 pounds
  • GFS:  106 pounds
  • GiantEagle: 1,741 pounds
  • Marc’s: 523 pounds
  • Starbucks:  251 pounds
  • Target: 1,637 pounds
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 15,046 pounds
    • Order: 9,838 pounds
    • Shop Thru: 5,208 pounds

Statistics: December 2019

By Statistics

73 Unique Volunteers

2902 pounds of food donated to other agencies


Service Statistics

298 Households served

1102 Individuals served

179 Seniors served (60+)

529 Adults served (18-59)

397 Children served (0-18)

9918 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1627 Giant Eagle

548 GFS

269 Huffman’s Market

484 Marc’s

6345 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 4863

Donated 1482

51 Penzey’s Spices

403 Starbucks

2451 Target

1192 First Community Church