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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212


November 2020 stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 90

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 414
  • Seniors Served: 193
  • Adults Served: 663
  • Children Served: 505
  • Individuals Served: 1,361
  • Meals Served: 12,249

Food Received

  • First Community: 3,267 pounds
  • GFS:  508 pounds
  • GiantEagle: 2,691 pounds
  • Marc’s: 657 pounds
  • Penzey’s Spices: ## pounds
  • Starbucks:  288 pounds
  • Target: 2,628 pounds
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 16,270 pounds
    • Order: 10,191 pounds
    • Shop-Thru: 6,079 pounds


October 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 86

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 497
  • Seniors Served: 243
  • Adults Served: 763
  • Children Served: 501
  • Individuals Served: 1,507
  • Meals Served: 13,563

Food Received

  • First Community: 444 pounds
  • GFS:  489 pounds
  • GiantEagle: 1,361 pounds
  • Marc’s: 498 pounds
  • Starbucks:  310 pounds
  • Target: 3,877 pounds
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 18,406 pounds
    • Order: 14,601 pounds
    • Shop Thru: 3,805 pounds


September 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

Due to our hiatus, September had only 6 service days.

  • Households Served: 409
  • Seniors Served: 178
  • Adults Served: 617
  • Children Served: 400
  • Individuals Served: 1195
  • Meals Served: 10,755


August 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 66


Service Statistics

Households: 469

Seniors Served (age 60+): 219

Adults Served (18 – 59): 725

Children Served (birth – 17): 484

Individuals Served: 1,428

Meals Provided: 12852


Food Received

First Community: 770 pounds

GFS:  356 pounds

GiantEagle: 2401 pounds

Marc’s: 493 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 238 pounds

Starbucks:  630 pounds

Target: 2458 pounds

MOFB Order: 6778 pounds


July 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 66


Service Statistics

Households: 444

Seniors Served (age 60+): 207

Adults Served (18 – 59): 753

Children Served (birth – 17): 469

Individuals Served: 1,429

Meals Provided: 12,861


Food Received

First Community: 1326 pounds

GFS:  138 pounds

GiantEagle: 1843 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 82 pounds

Marc’s: 633 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 238 pounds

Starbucks:  958 pounds

Target: 3,656 pounds

MOFB Total: 7,280 pounds

Purchased:  6,778 pounds

Donated: 502 pounds

June 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 67


Service Statistics

Households: 338

Seniors Served (age 60+): 174

Adults Served (18 – 59): 652

Children Served (birth – 17): 414

Individuals Served: 1,240

Meals Provided: 11,160


Food Received

First Community: 375 pounds

GFS:  843 pounds

GiantEagle: 2805 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 321 pounds

Marc’s: 362 pounds

Penzey’s Spices: 221 pounds

Starbucks: 706 pounds

Target: 2681 pounds


MOFB Total: 6,307 pounds

Purchased: 5,733 pounds

Donated: 574 pounds

May 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 67


Service Statistics

Households: 334

Seniors Served (age 60+): 164

Adults Served (18 – 59): 659

Children Served (birth – 17): 469

Individuals Served: 1,292

Meals Provided: 11,628


Food Received

First Community: 1100 pounds

GFS:  284 pounds

GiantEagle: 1812 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 339 pounds

Marc’s: 400 pounds

Meijer: 543 pounds

Starbucks: 706 pounds

Target: 4516 pounds

MOFB Total: 1263 pounds

Purchased: 411 pounds

Donated: 852 pounds

April 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 71


Service Statistics

Households: 442

Seniors Served (age 60+): 209

Adults Served (18 – 59): 817

Children Served (birth – 17): 646

Individuals Served: 1,672

Meals Provided: 15,039


Food Received

First Community: 2659 pounds

GFS:  277 pounds

GiantEagle: 1666 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 184 pounds

Marc’s: 469 pounds

Starbucks: 493 pounds

Target: 3264 pounds

MOFB Total: 1263 pounds

Purchased: 411 pounds

Donated: 852 pounds

March 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 101

Food Donated to Other Agencies: 2,605


Service Statistics

Households: 522

Seniors Served (age 60+): 287

Adults Served (18 – 59): 948

Children Served (birth – 17): 694

Individuals Served: 1,929

Meals Provided: 17,361


Food Received

First Community: 1,141 pounds

GFS: 553 pounds

GiantEagle: 1,345 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 153 pounds

Marc’s: 385 pounds

Starbucks: 1,381 pounds

Target: 4,471 pounds

MOFB Total: 5,630 pounds

Purchased: 3,347 pounds

Donated: 2,283 pounds

February 2020 Stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 78

Food Donated to Other Agencies: 973 pounds


Service Statistics

Households 337

Seniors Served (age 60+) 201

Adults Served (18 – 59) 601

Children Served (birth – 17) 434

Individuals Served  1236

Meals Provided 11,124


Food Received

First Community: 3,946 pounds

Big Lots: 298 pounds

GFS: 666 pounds

GiantEagle: 2401 pounds

Huffman’s Market: 1,248 pounds

Marc’s: 811 pounds

Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 8,339 pounds

Purchased: 6,283 pounds

Donated:  2075 pounds

Starbucks: 704 pounds

Target: 1,940 pounds