In November, the Pop Up Pantry, delivered to the following sites:
- November 1: Commons at Livingston – 39
- November 8: Hope Resource Center – 42
- November 13: Southpark/Franklinton Farms – 22
- November 15: Southpoint – 40
- November 16: Riverview International Center – 40
- November 22: Grant – 31
- November 29: Hope Resource Center – 40
Pop Up 2023 Monthly totals:
- January: 153
- February: 161
- March: 190
- April: 171
- May: 226
- June: 190
- July: 188
- August: 237
- September: 215
- October: 181
- November: 254
YTD: Individuals/families served: 2,166

Our seasonal site to Southpark in South Franklinton ended this month. We worked alongside Franklinton Farms from April – November and served 185 families. We have had the pleasure of working with Becca Brown, Executive Director at Franklinton Farms, for the past several years. She has taken a new position and will be leaving in December. Emma Gardner, Philanthropy Coordinator, and Michelle Nowak, Farm Manager, will be our contacts moving forward. We wish Becca well as she begins her new job.
Our visits to Hope Resource Center have seen an increase in individuals seeking a hot meal, clothing, free on site health clinic and our Pop Up Pantry food. The need is growing. In October, Hope had 1,593 visits (774 women and 819 men). We are grateful that Heart to Heart and our Pop Up team are able to be there for those in need. We have formed many friendships and enjoyed many conversations with our neighbors.
The Southpoint Christmas Gift drive is coming to a close. We have 27 families signed up. There are 81 children and 145 gifts total. Janice Rook and Mark Tucker have been working to coordinate the gifts so all the children’s wishes are granted. Our Pop Up team will deliver the gifts to Southpoint on Monday, December 11th.
We appreciate all the donors who have contributed to our Southpoint Christmas. Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School was a big part of this effort along with Women’s Guild Groups, Couple’s Circles, Share and Learn Garden group, many family members and friends along with many others from outside the church. It is heartwarming to have so many individuals be a part of such an important project to bring cheer to the children at Christmas.
Our team is continually blessed and grateful for everyone who contributes to Heart to Heart and the Pop Up Pantry with their continued donations and service. We couldn’t do all this without the dedicated individuals who give so freely to our community in need.