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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212
Q: Do you help clients find additional social services and financial assistance?

A. In addition to our food pantry we also help our clients find resources throughout the community i.e. Utility/Rent Assistance, spiritual guidance, provide cooking classes, help with additional added healthcare benefits, open interviews, etc. We do not offer any direct financial assistance. Call 614-488-0681 x241 for details.

Q. How do clients get to the food pantry?

A. Most clients get to us by car and shared riding of some sort. A lot of clients will carpool with family and friends. The pantry is near COTA bus lines #3 and #5.

Q. I have a physical disability or I am otherwise unable to get to the pantry; how can I get food?

A. If you can’t get out to the food pantry we allow case managers and clients to pick up for other clients. Please complete and sign a proxy form prior to your visit. We do not offer a delivery service.

Q. How many clients do you serve?

A. Typically, we serve around 75 households every Tuesday and Thursday. Learn more about our statistics>>

Q. Who are your clients?

A. Most of our clients are single women with at least three children.

The majority of our clients are employed and visit the pantry only one time in a given year.

We see clients from all central Ohio areas. Because we are required to document our client visits, we are able to determine where most clients live.  The zip codes we serve most are 43204, 43223, 43212 and 43228.

Q. Where does all your food come from?

A. We get more than 90% of our stock from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. Because $1 buys approximately $10 worth of groceries, we are able to purchase more food with less. For example, we can purchase a one pound of cereal for about 8 cents.

Q. Do you have anything besides canned and boxed groceries?

A. Yes!

We receive fresh produce through Mid-Ohio Foodbank at no cost to us, and the Share and Learn Garden donates their harvest all summer long. Through our partnership with Mid-Ohio Foodbank and local retailers, we can also provide a variety of frozen meats and refrigerated dairy/deli products.

We regularly receive donations from local businesses, church, and community members that include items such as toothpaste, soap, and other toiletries. We are also able to purchase non-food items from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.

Q. How are you able to serve so many people with such a small staff?

A. Volunteers! We have a steady dedicated group of volunteers without whom we could not serve our community.  We have volunteering opportunities Monday-Friday for individuals regardless of skill or ability. Most of our volunteers are members of First Community Church and the surrounding community. Learn more >>

Q. How can I make a donation to support your ministry?

A. Heart to Heart gladly accepts donations of goods in addition to monetary donations. All donations are to be delivered directly to First Community South and left in the alley outside the kitchen on the cart marked for this purpose. There are directional signs in the parking lot. You can make monetary donations online here>>

Q. How can my group get involved and support Heart to Heart?

A. Learn more about individual and group volunteer opportunities online here>>
Click here to read more about how your group or organization can support Heart to Heart through a donation drive.