Weekly Update
Service Statistics
Households served via Drive-Thru
- 38 on Tuesday, November 9
- 47 on Thursday, November 11
Households served via Pop-Up
- 17 on Wednesday, November 10
We've Moved!
Volunteers are needed next week for the following shifts:
Monday, November 15
9:00 am-10:30 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
10:30 am – 11:30 am Set Up Shift (2)
Tuesday, November 16
8:30am – 10:30am Drive-Thru (3)
10:00am – 12:30pm Drive-Thru (2)
Wednesday, November 17
1:00 – 2:00pm MOFB Shop Thru (1)
Thursday, November 18
8:30am – 10:30am Drive-Thru (3)
10:00am – 12:30pm Drive-Thru (5)
Friday, November 19
10:00am – 11:00am Cold Stocking Shift (3)
Click the lightbulb to sign up!
Shop Thru Volunteers Needed
If you’re interested in helping Heart to Heart food pantry, please consider our Shop Thru volunteer slot. This is an opportunity provided by Mid-Ohio Food Collective for partner agencies to pick up additional products and fresh produce at no additional cost. This is our main source of produce for the drive-thru. We are looking for more volunteers and are open to make this work for your schedule! Contact Yohan Kim for more details (ykim@fcchurch.com).
Kroger Community Rewards
Through the Community Rewards program, Kroger makes a contribution to Heart to Heart every time you shop. In the quarter beginning August 1, 2021 and ending October 31, 2021 we earned $1074.98 from the 268 participating households.
Enroll your Kroger customer loyalty card in the program today. Visit https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards and choose Organization #TB926 (First Community Church).
See how much your participation earned for us last quarter!
Volunteer Training Opportunities
PantryTrak 2.0
If you’ve already mastered client check-in while volunteering with us, we have an opportunity to learn even more about FreshTrak (or as we call it, PantryTrak). On December 7 at 10 am, Mid-Ohio Foodbank will host a virtual FreshTrak 2.0 training. This will take a deeper dive into the application and you will learn more about all the bells and whistles.
Ohio Benefits Training
Participants in this training will gain a better understanding of ways to connect eligible individuals to SNAP Benefits, including the ability to pre-screen and use Ohio Benefits Self Service Portal. Participants will be able to determine the right outreach strategy for their agency. Ohio Benefits Training December 9 at 10 am.
More details and registration are available at mofc.org/agency-360
Pop UPdate
The Pop Up Pantry team delivered food directly to clients and their families at the following agency sites during the month of October:
- October 6: Commons at Livingston-37 clients
- October 7: Franklinton Farms-15 clients
- October 13: Hope Recovery Services-30 clients
- October 20: Southpoint Village Apartments-36 clients
- October 27: Commons at Grant-30 clients
- October 28: Riverview International Center-30 clients
Monthly totals for 2021:
- January 144
- February 135
- March 121
- April 130
- May 127
- June 124
- July 132
- August 132
- September 150
- October 178
We continue to identify potential agency sites and new volunteers for the expansion of our Pop Up Pantry on Thursday afternoons. This month, we completed the initial delivery for our second Thursday afternoon site, Riverview International Center.
Our expansion would not be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers, including those who drive the van to our sites: Glenn Zook, Steve Young, Mark Tucker, and Boyce Lancaster. In October, Les Sauer joined our team of drivers to assist our newest site, Riverview International Center, on the 4th Thursday of every month. They serve a critical role in ensuring we can serve many clients and families at our agency sites.
Other volunteers currently assisting the Pop Up Pantry are Cathy Wheaton, Katie Halley, Carol Bramschreiber, and Bruce and Ellen Crouthamel.
The Christmas toy and gift drive for our families at Southpoint Village Apartments is underway! “Wish Lists” of gifts for 110 children have been received. We look forward to working with Wickliffe Elementary School and church members again this year who, through their generosity, will be making Christmas wishes come true for these children.
We continue to feel blessed by the ongoing support of our wonderful volunteers and our church in continuing to grow this outreach ministry of Heart to Heart.
Holiday Help

We will continue to match families and sponsors through December 15 (extended from the previously published November 17 cut-off date).
And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ
Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God
In accordance with Federal law and U.S.D.A. policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.