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COVID-19 Plan

By March 15, 2020Announcements

Change in Process at Heart to Heart Food Pantry

Alternative Service Plan


The health and well-being of our clients, volunteers and staff are top priorities for us here at the Heart to Heart. To that end, Heart to Heart will move from its current shopping model to pre-packaged boxes, beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 until further notice.
The plan upon arrival at Heart to Heart:
  • Clients will be asked to stay in their vehicles and a volunteer will help line up cars on the curb along First Avenue.
  • A volunteer will register clients for the pantry while they remain in their cars.
  • Clients will pull up op to the Heart to Heart building and receive pre-packaged boxes based on family size. *
  • Clients will then exit by driving past the front of First Community South onto Cambridge Blvd.
*Please note the following:
1. Clients will only be able to shop for themselves and one other family member.
Family members should fall under the “High Risk” category:
  • Persons over 65
  • Persons with chronic medical conditions: Diabetes, Chronic lung disease, cancer, etc.
2. Case managers will only be able to shop for two families.
In the interest of keeping human contact to an absolute minimum, what the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) calls “social distancing,” we believe that this is the safest course of action to take moving forward, especially during these challenging times.
We so appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we all look out for one another during this public health threat and as this situation continues to unfold. Please check in on each other, take care of each other, and pray for each other.
If you are interested and able to volunteer during this time, please view the Sign Up Genius online here.
Thank you,

Lamar Graham | Heart to Heart Director
First Community | Where Everyone is Accepted

1320 Cambridge Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio 43212
(614) 488-0681, Ext. 203
(614) 488-2763 Fax |

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God