Weekly Update
Prayer Requests
Larry Miller
Tom Norman
John Oberlin
Bryan Smith
Charlie Vachris and Judy Long
Service Statistics
April 2, Thursday: 47
Hello, Dedicated Volunteers,
I know some of you are worried during this time if you should commit more time to Heart to Heart physically or not. I want you to know that I understand completely if you are unable to volunteer during this time of Social Distancing. There will be no hard feelings if you need to take a step back and be close to family.
Lamar Graham
Heart to Heart Director
Amid the ever-changing news regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, we have established a page on the website where you will find regular updates as they are announced. A link to this page will be on the left side of the menu permanently. We will continue to post these announcements on social media and via email, as well.

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ
Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God