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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

August 1, 2024

By August 1, 2024Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Households Served

  • 57 in Drive-Thru on Tuesday, July 30
  • 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wednesday, July 31
  • 71 in Drive-Thru on Thursday, August 1
  • 53 New Families this week
  • YTD Families Served 5,360
Monthly Stats

Save the Dates!

Annual Close Week September 2 through 6

  • Heart to Heart will not be serving clients on Tue Sep 3 or Thu Sep 5 (regular service days)
  • Regular volunteer shifts cancelled Mon Sep 2 through Fri Sep 6
  • Workday general volunteer shifts: Tue Sep 3 10am to 2pm and Thu Sep 5 10am to 2pm
  • Link to sign up genius:, “September” tab

More info coming soon

Volunteers Needed

The following shifts next week are still in need of volunteers. Please click the button below to sign up for one of these open shifts.

Wednesday, August 7

  • 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Shop & Stock (3)

Thursday, August 8

  • 8:30 – 10:30 am Drive-Thru (1)

As the start of the school year looms, we will see a drop in volunteer sign-ups. Please consider donating your time by volunteering at Heart to Heart, especially beginning August 19!

Sign up to Volunteer


Volunteer of the Month

Pat Porterfield


July 2024

Our food delivery numbers have remained  steady at all sites—- 30 to 42 customers. We give 2 bags of non-perishable food to each; that’s lots of bags!

In early August we will sort and assemble back packs for the children of Riverview International Center. The FCC Congregation’s  generous donations help make this mission possible! Many Thanks!

Kathleen Hatcher

More PUP info and updates

School Supply Drive

Beginning Thursday and ending Sunday, August 11, we will be collecting new backpacks full of school supplies! We are hoping to collect 150 backpacks with a complete set of supplies for Riverview International Center, one of our Pop-Up Pantry’s regular service locations.

Receptacles for donations will be available at both First Community locations outside worship spaces and near donation stations. Volunteers will be present in the parking lot of both First Community locations on Sunday, August 11, our last day for collection!

Take advantage of the State of Ohio’s upcoming tax holiday (July 30- August 8) to purchase these items for donation. Back-to-school shopping with your own students? Pick up an extra set of items while you’re shopping!

See the graphic for details. Please help the volunteers donating their time to this project by closely following the instructions for donation. Note: we cannot accept financial donations or used items for this particular project! This is a time-sensitive collection that must be completed by August 11, so no late donations will be accepted.

Christmas Program Volunteers

It may seem early, but plans for this year’s Heart to Heart Christmas program are underway. Every year, planning for Christmas starts near the end of summer and we need every second to make the program successful! We are looking for additional volunteers to help us make the program a success.

Last week we had our first volunteer meeting to help work out details of the program. Click here to view the slideshow that gives a rundown of the program. Many details are yet to be determined and depend on volunteer help and availability.

Everyone will have the opportunity to be donors to the program through gift purchases. We are only looking for volunteers to help administer the program right now. Specifically, we need:

  • Client liaisons who will contact the clients that have been identified. They will interview the clients for their gift wish lists and needs. This role will likely start in September and end in November, depending on the responsiveness of clients sponsored. It would be beneficial for these volunteers to be comfortable using a computer/ internet.
  • Gift Delivery volunteers willing to coordinate taking gifts to clients who would benefit from having gifts delivered to their home. These people will contact clients directly and meet them at their homes or at locations/times mutually convenient.
  • Gift Pickup volunteers to staff the dates that clients are given to pickup gifts at First Community, should they choose that option. You will check in clients from a list, ensure they get everything they need, and communicate back with home base about progress. Dates are to be determined based on Facilities and Volunteer availability.

Click the button below if you would like to sign up for one of these roles. If you have additional questions, please email Amy Caskie.

Volunteer for Christmas Program

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

Volunteer Training Opportunities

Mid-Ohio Food Collective Trainings

The Mid-Ohio Food Collective offers regular training opportunities for food pantry staff and volunteers. Trainings on FreshTrak and Food Safety will help you learn more about pantry operations and make you an even more effective volunteer! They also occasionally offer training on advocacy, and other topics that may be of interest to you.

For most trainings, volunteers will need to register with an agency name and number: Heart to Heart Agency #1042

Register Online at MOFC Agency360

FreshTrak Basic Training

(FKA PantryTrak)

This online via zoom workshop will provide the fundamentals to get started with FreshTrak at your agency. Participants with learn how to administer the intake process using FreshTrak and will be guided on best practices for developing an efficient process in registering your clients. For agencies already using FreshTrak, this workshop will be helpful as a refresher of the basics.

The following dates and times are available:

  • Thu, Aug 29 at 2 pm