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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

February is Heart to Heart Month

A full month of events shines the spotlight on Heart to Heart food pantry!

Why February?

Did you ever wonder where our name came from or why we set aside February as a special month? Our original director, Jill Thomas was born on Valentine’s Day, February 14. The ministry was originally established by a team called Project Adelphos. After Jill joined the staff a few years later, the ministry became known as Heart to Heart.

Events Recap

SOUPerbowl Sunday

February 9

We collected $105 and 780 pounds of soup last Sunday! Bets-by-donation correctly favored the winning Philadelphia Eagles:

  • FC South 235 pounds ($30 Eagles, $10 Chiefs)
  • FC North 545 pounds ($10 Eagles, $10 Chiefs)

Although some donors made non-traditional bets, with $25 favoring the Cleveland Browns and $20 betting neither team would win! Thank you not only to the donors, but our team quarterbacks, Susan Jagers at FC South and Becky Ryan and FC North.

Pictured: Charlie and Judy donate at the 9 AM service every time we have a food drive!

Heart to Heart Sunday

February 16

While the snow kept most at home for Heart to Heart Sunday, we are grateful to the many supporters who made it to one of First Community’s three worship services.

During worship, we held a special offering for the food pantry. We are grateful for the generosity of the donors who contributed:

  • $5,765 Online gifts
  • $1,315 Worship offering
  • Total $7,080.00

These gifts will be doubled through the matching grant provided by Duke Thomas.

Pictured: after each service, supporters joined staff and volunteers for a small reception.

Volunteer Dinner

February 20

About 40 Heart to Heart team members gathered last Thursday evening for the annual Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Those present participated in two fun appreciation activities, and many volunteers in received awards for their specific contributions to the ministry. Yohan also made sure to recognize the work of each small group that contributes to the success of the food pantry!

Click through photo album, right.