Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Heart to Heart food pantry. Please review the information on this page and contact us should you have any questions.
Follow these steps:
- Read about our volunteer roles and procedures.
- Sign up through SignUpGenius.
- Show up at the designated time.
- We will welcome you and get you started!
If you have signed up for a shift and can no longer volunteer, please log in to your account and delete your sign-up. If there are 24 hours or less before your shift, please also call 614-488-0681 x203 to let us know.
- All volunteers should check-in upon arrival in the kitchen of the main church building. Check-in will now be done on the iPad, rather than paper.
- If there is an active thunderstorm or Tornado Warning in our area, we cannot safely operate the drive-thru. Should we find it necessary to close, we will notify all scheduled volunteers as soon as possible. We will also make an announcement on social media, a notification on our website, and a recording on our voicemail.
Volunteer Handbook
Welcome to Heart to Heart food pantry, a First Community mission! As an outreach ministry of First Community Church, we strive to be living examples of the values and mission set forth by church.
First Community maintains a 100-year tradition that embraces the integrity and worth of all people. The core values of our church, established by our church founders, continues to consist of a diverse community of individuals seeking to make God’s love real for all people in the world. First Community Church fosters an environment of compassion and caring for others, and promotes the acceptance of differences, while uniting to serve.
This manual was established by Heart to Heart staff and volunteer leadership to serve as a guideline for training and a resource for procedural questions but cannot possibly provide instruction on every detail of food pantry operations. Further guidance can be provided by consulting First Community staff, or as written in the First Community Staff Handbook and Mid-Ohio Foodbank Agency Handbook.
Heart to Heart is successful thanks to the time, efforts and love from its volunteers. We hope the experience of volunteering for Heart to Heart is rewarding and that you feel compelled to return in service of your neighbors.
“ ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31
We are glad you are here!
Volunteer Covenant
We agree to foster a welcoming culture of kindness and respect that upholds the worth and dignity of every person, striving to listen with empathy, and use teamwork to carry out the mission and vision of Heart to Heart.
- Please wear closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops or sandals).
- Dress appropriately for the weather as volunteers will be outside.
- Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
Client Service Policy
Heart to Heart limits client visits to once every 30 days. This is a budgeting measure and allows us to serve more clients. As we continue to face supply challenges, it is important to note that this rule is not flexible. If we run out of a certain item, we cannot allow clients to come back the next service day to get it. Clients have the option to seek assistance from other pantries, or skip receiving goods at our pantry and come back at a later date for their once-monthly visit.
Service Hours
If you require official confirmation of the dates and times you’ve volunteered for a service hours program, please let us know prior to volunteering.
We can provide a signed paper form once your hours are completed. Click for the blank Service Hours form.
Many organizations require online verification of service hours, and we are happy to comply. Please use the email address when completing your online forms. Yohan Kim, Food Pantry Manager, will complete these online.
Emergency Procedures
Minors (age 17 and younger)
Adults 18 and over may assist anywhere in the pantry, but this may not be the right opportunity for younger children. With that in mind:
- Graduated 8th graders and older minors must have a signed waiver form before working.
- School-aged children 5-8 grade may volunteer if accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- Please contact the Food Pantry Manager if you would like to make arrangements for a group volunteer activity, including opportunities for younger school-aged children.
- Volunteer opportunities for families will occasionally become available and will be posted on our Sign-Up Genius.
- Please leave preschool children and younger at home.
Volunteer training is done mostly on-the-job at Heart to Heart. When you show up for your assigned shift, you will be guided through the process by a veteran volunteer or staff member.
Required: Civil Rights
As part of our agreement with Mid-Ohio Foodbank, we agree to maintain certain standards. One of these is Civil Rights training for all of our volunteers. Prior to your on-site training, please complete the following:
- Take the online civil rights training course here>>
- Verify you have completed the course by sending an email to
Required: Abuse Prevention
All volunteers must abide by First Community’s Child Safety Code of Conduct. Adult volunteers are required to complete the nationally recognized Darkness to Light “Stewards Of Children” sexual abuse prevention training, either online for $16, or by the next available free in-person training offered at the church. Proof of completion is required. If you have been affected by abuse and are emotionally unable to complete the required Darkness to Light “Steward of Children” training, please reach out to Rev. John Girard.
Opportunities for free, in-person trainings will be posted at
- Heart to Heart’s Facebook and Instagram
Online training is available at anytime for $16 directly from Darkness to Light. Click here for more information.
Optional: MOFC Agency 360 Trainings
Opportunities for further training will be available periodically. Check or our recent blog posts to see opportunities!
Tools & Equipment
Heart to Heart staff have implemented guidelines, processes and measures to ensure the safety of our workers, proper use of equipment, and best functionality. It is imperative to our operations for volunteers to adhere to these guidelines.
For instance, volunteers should avoid overloading shelves when stocking food. Each shelving unit can only hold a limited weight, distributed across the individual shelves. The weight limits differ by size and type of shelf. For guidance, please ask Yohan when stocking.
When items are misused causing damage, the pantry has to pay for the replacement. Every dollar spent on equipment is one dollar less that we are able to spend on food to feed our clients. Please keep this in mind when you are volunteering.
Bodily Safety
Communicable Diseases
If you have signed up for a shift and can no longer volunteer due to a health concern, please log in to your account and delete your sign-up. If there are 24 hours or less before your shift, please also call 614-488-0681 x203 to let us know.
Physical Work Safety
Heart to Heart has many types of volunteer roles, all requiring different types of work. Several roles require physical labor. Volunteers are expected to take all appropriate safety precautions while working to prevent injury and property damage.
Please follow these tips for Proper Lifting Techniques provided by OSHA.
Equipment Safety
To prevent injuries while using box cutters, utility knives, etc. consider the following:
- Keep the blade sharp – Sharp blades will cut. Dull blades will tug and pull, which is more likely to cause your hand to slip and cut your fingers. Replace when dull, and never use a broken blade!
- Shorten the blade – Most box cutters allow you to choose the length of the blade. Keep the blade as short as possible.
- Keep it covered – Retract the blade as soon as possible. When you put your box cutter away, make sure that it’s protected with a cover. If the blade is not available, you can’t get cut!
- Angle it away from your body – There is no reason to cut directly towards you. If you cut at an angle, your hand will move away from your body if it slips.
- Cut deliberately – Apply a consistent, firm (but not excessive) pressure while performing the cut. Use your arm to move the blade in a deliberate motion so that slipping becomes unlikely. Concentrate on the material to be cut and watch the blade at all times.
- Consider cutting half way – Rather than cut all the way through the material being cut, consider cutting only halfway through, flipping the item around, and cutting the other half.
- Keep your thumb away – It’s tempting to put your thumb right by the blade when you cut since you get better balance, but don’t put your thumb anywhere near the blade.
- Put your other hand away – You don’t need to put your hand right by the blade when you cut. Put your hand far enough away and back to avoid cutting it.
- Wear gloves – It is a best practice to wear cut resistant gloves when you use a box cutter. This will prevent any small nicks and cuts from minor errors.
- Changing blades – Take care when changing dull or damaged blades. Dispose of blades in a safe manner.
Before using a cart, be mindful and plan your approach!
- Stack items up to a safe height. Generally, that will be around shoulder height or lower of an average-sized person.
- Use multiple trips, if necessary.
- Go around corners with the end that swivels.
- Push carts up ramps and pull them, with both hands, down ramps. This is the best way to ensure that you do not lose control or end up with items falling off.
- Be careful not to damage walls or doors.
- Watch out for people who may be in your path, especially around corners and at the bottom or top of ramps.
- Keep carts out of the way of foot traffic. They are tripping hazards.
- During the Drive-Thru, dry goods carts should be replenished via the alley and kitchen entrance, rather than the front doors and hallways of the church. The only exception is during inclement weather.
Shelf Stocking
When stocking the shelves, please be mindful of where items are being stored and how it is being done.
- Follow shelf labels when possible.
- Distribute weight so that it is spread across shelves and units.
- Stock heavier items towards the bottom of shelving units, and lighter items towards the top.
- Redistribute weight as needed before, during, or after a volunteer shift.
- Keep an eye out for sagging or broken shelves. Move or restock as appropriate.
- Ensure that items are not stacked on shelves in a manner that could lead to damager or injury to a person, property, or merchandise.
Cargo Van
Heart to Heart owns a Dodge Ram Promaster Cargo Van. We are blessed to have this resource to better serve our community. As stewards of such a valuable resource, we take the utmost care to ensure its proper use.
First Community Church (FCC) vehicles are provided primarily for use by employees for church business. Volunteer use is a privilege extended to authorized volunteers upon request and the privilege of use may be withdrawn at any time by First Community Church.
Reservation Procedures
The Director of Missions keeps the calendar for the Heart to Heart van (The Van). It is reserved throughout the week for regular ongoing activities, such as Direct Retail Pickups and Pop-Up Pantry. These services are always given priority, and requests will only be considered outside these times.
Requests for usage should go to the Director first, and to the Food Pantry Manager only if the Director is unavailable. To request use of The Van:
- Contact the Director to see if the van is available at your desired time. The Director will reserve The Van for you if it is available. Reservations will appear on a public shared calendar (only staff can edit).
- Complete and return the required paperwork, including a signed copy of the First Community Vehicle Policy (available upon request). This must be submitted along with a copy of the driver’s license and auto insurance policy.
- You will be given instructions to access the van once paperwork is received.
- Key fobs are expensive and will not be duplicated for anyone’s personal use/possession. All non-staff will have to follow the same procedures to access the van key.
- If a key fob is lost or broken while in your possession, you will be asked to cover the cost of its replacement.
- Alert The Heart to Heart Food Pantry Manager if there is less than ¼ tank of gas so it can be refilled.
- If you have to refill the van on your dime, submit receipts to The Director of Missions or The Heart to Heart Food Pantry Manager for reimbursement.
Care and Operation
- Please empty your trash, supplies and personal belongings every single time you use it.
- Van clearance is 13.5 feet
- Please take turns slowly.
- Be aware of overhead clearance and tree branches.
- The overhead light in the cargo area has three settings: OFF, DOOR OPEN, and ON. If you’re not actively using the light, keep this light in the OFF position.
- The key fob has an unusual button setup, so pay close attention:
- The LOCK button locks all four doors.
- There are two UNLOCK buttons, one for the cab only and one for the entire vehicle.
- The ignition is a push button start. Be careful to not lock keys in the van!
- If there is a mechanical problem or vehicle emergency, please alert staff immediately.
- Nothing is so urgent that you can’t pull over to deal with it. NOTHING.
- Your life and that of other drivers is priceless. DRIVE SAFELY.
- Do not drive the vehicle without your license on your person.
- The insurance card and registration are stored in the glove compartment.
- Watch your step.
- Do not ever text and drive.
- Do not talk on the phone while driving.
- Do not eat while driving.
- Follow traffic laws, including procedures to allow for safe travel of emergency vehicles.
- Remember, every time you drive it, you represent the entire church.
- Secure loose items in the cargo area with bungees or straps.
- Rear and side doors need to be closed with considerable force.
In the event of repeated or severe violation(s) of Heart to Heart policies and conduct, volunteers may enter a process that could lead to dismissal from volunteering at the pantry. Violations will be reported to the Food Pantry Manager and the Minister of Mission & Justice. A common initial step, depending on severity, will be remedial training by the Food Pantry Manager. If there are further violations by volunteer(s), or one of high severity, a meeting may be arranged with the Food Pantry Manager and Minister of Mission & Justice, with or without the volunteer in question. Depending on severity and context, volunteers may be asked to end their involvement with the food pantry.
MOFC Partnership Compliance
MOFC’s Agency Zone website provides partnership instructions, compliance information and forms necessary for operation. We have included some here for easy reference and retrieval.