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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Volunteer of the Month: March 2025

By Volunteer

Congrats, Bill!

“March is my one-year anniversary of volunteering at our Heart to Heart Food Pantry. Having retired at the end of 2023, I soon realized how much I missed being involved in the community and being around a team of people who are focused on a mission. I have been a member of First Community Church for thirty-six years and have had the good fortune of serving on a number of Boards, Committees and Councils during those years, all of which were very fulfilling. However, I can truly say that the opportunity to be part of the amazing Heart to Heart team and work alongside such wonderful colleagues is just what I was looking for!  It is always a joy to come to South Campus and jump in with the team knowing that we are graciously serving our neighbors in the Columbus Community and trying to make their days a bit better with our caring attitude and service.  I always feel uplifted when I finish a shift with Heart to Heart and am so grateful to have just spent quality time with such wonderful people.”

Volunteer of the Month: February 2025

By Volunteer

Congrats, Toni!

“I really enjoy volunteering at Heart to Heart. I appreciate the opportunity to help others and work alongside an amazing group of people. I like this quote from Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ Thanks to everyone who makes Heart to Heart possible!”

Volunteer of the Month: January 2025

By Volunteer

Thank you, Omar & Eliana

The opportunity to volunteer at Heart to Heart alongside an amazing team of volunteers was honestly one of the most rewarding experiences we’ve had. The shared sense of purpose and wanting to give back from everyone was truly inspiring to see and be a part of. The community reciprocated an unmatched kindness that made each person eager to come back and help each day. We are thankful to be part of this amazing team and cause, giving back to the community in a meaningful way. We hope to carry the significance of these past months with us into the future wherever we are. 

Volunteer of the Month: December 2024

By Volunteer

Congratulations Anne!

“Volunteering at the Heart to Heart drive-thru pantry is rewarding and enjoyable. I’m grateful to work as part of a special team of volunteers to help provide food to families who are in need. We welcome our guests with kindness and respect, and we are met with appreciation.

It’s a good feeling to serve the community in a tangible way through the Heart to Heart ministry. Thanks to First Community, the staff, and all the volunteers for making the pantry possible.”

Volunteer of the Month: November 2024

By Volunteer
From Mark:

I volunteer with Heart to Heart in order to give back a portion of all I have been blessed with. Knowing that I’m working with others as a team to help those in need makes this all so worthwhile. It’s fulfilling to have a reason to get up and out the door on days when I’m volunteering, and I always feel better at the end of a shift than when I started. And that seems to be more true now than when I started volunteering a few years ago.


From Amy:

Katie nominated Mark for this honor, with enthusiastic support from me! She mentioned that Mark is always friendly and helpful, keeping his cool while problem-solving. Katie said, “He always goes the extra mile for the cause with a sunny disposition.  I feel lucky to work with him.” I completely agree and know he’ll help wherever he can.

Mark has volunteered for Heart to Heart in many ways over the years:

  • Pre-COVID, when we had regular donations from Starbucks, he would do the weekly pickups and deliver to the food pantry
  • In 2023, he helped Amy research the cargo van, determining needs and availability, working with several dealerships, and even helped negotiate the purchase!
  • Mark recently volunteered to learn the MOFC ordering process, to serve as backup to our order coordinator, Mike Delphia. He is now regularly working with Mike to maintain the food pantry stock.
  • Most often, you can find Mark volunteering with the Pop-Up Pantry, often driving to the sites in our van. Again, this year, he is working alongside Janice to organize a special Christmas project with the Pop-up Pantry.

You can find Mark volunteering at Heart to Heart most Wednesdays, wearing his trademark Indiana Jones hat. Who wore it better? His dedication to the work of Heart to Heart over the years is admirable and we are grateful for his continued service. ”

Volunteer of the Month: October 2024

By Volunteer


From Yohan:

“I know [she] would prefer to never receive recognition, but the fact of the matter is that [she has] have helped feed thousands of families through the Shop & Stock shift during my time at Heart to Heart. [Michelle has] also been a trusted trainer of new shoppers. And there’s all the organizing [she] did to the mac & cheese and miscellaneous sections… which is heavy VotM energy.

Volunteers of the Month are not chosen lightly. They are people who stand out among the rest.”

From Michelle:

“I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of such a generous, welcoming community as evidenced week in and week out by the other volunteers, as well as the staff and the clients, of the Heart to Heart food pantry.  While I would like to be able to say that through volunteering I am able to give more than I receive, the truth is that what I give can never equal the joy and positive energy that I experience by being part of such a wonderful organization.”

Volunteer of the Month: September 2024

By Volunteer


Our family loves to volunteer together at Heart to Heart food pantry. We try to volunteer during winter and summer breaks. The best part is seeing the bags we helped pack getting passed out each week and feeling a sense of accomplishment for helping in some small way. We live very close to the pantry and my kids always know when it is food donation day, because the cars line up down the street. We are grateful to volunteer at a place that helps so many people. 

Volunteer of the Month: August 2024

By Volunteer


“I know I can’t save the world, but in my part of the world I can make a difference. There is so much need in our community. That’s where my energy goes. I volunteer as much as I can and enjoy everything I do, or I wouldn’t do it. It’s my time to give back and serve. The amount of friends I have made through volunteering is amazing. I have made more friends since I turned 80 than I did my entire life. These friends are not just, ‘Hello, how’s it going?’ friends – they make a big difference in my life.” 

Pat is pictured here (left) with Marshall (right), a member of the First Community staff.

Volunteer of the Month: July 2024

By Volunteer

John & Elizabeth

From Elizabeth:

“As a volunteer with Heart to Heart, we can see every day what our actions mean to our neighbors and guests. Coming together with a broad swath of people from all ages and many different interests, we create a welcoming place for people in need. From gathering together and bringing out food in coolers to unloading fresh produce, creating bags of dry goods, and boxes of garden produce… every effort makes a welcome difference. We enjoy working in all sorts of different locations but most of all enjoy helping people get what they need from what we have to offer. Yohan gathers a few stories from the week’s families and shares these in the newsletter. We get a deeper appreciation each week when we volunteer, and always feel like we have received so much more than we have given.”

Volunteer of the Month: June 2024

By Volunteer
Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations, Isaiah!

When asked about his work at Heart to Heart, this is what Isaiah had to say:

“I got into it because I was going to youth group on Sundays and Sarah kept saying they needed help at Heart to Heart.  I finally convinced my mom to let me try it out and I’ve never stopped.  I started just … with the youth and now I also help with order unloading and just started doing the drive through …  I really enjoy helping people and I also enjoy all the manual labor of lifting things and moving boxes and stocking. I also enjoy meeting new people.”

Isaiah has been a great addition to the team and other volunteers have expressed how impressive his work ethic is!

From Isaiah’s Mom:

I would also like to share with you how much Isaiah’s volunteer work at Heart to Heart has meant to my husband and me.

The context goes back a few years- In 2021, one of Isaiah’s younger brothers was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor and our life came to a grinding halt as we focused on this urgent need of keeping our child alive.  The original “good prognosis” he was given slipped away when his tumor didn’t respond to chemo as expected and he had to undergo two very long and risky brain surgeries and was unexpectedly hospitalized for three months.  The tumor itself and the brain surgeries left [his brother] with many lasting effects, including physical mobility impairments, vision impairments, fatigue, PTSD, short term memory loss, and traumatic brain injury symptoms- which can be debilitating.  For the past two years we have been struggling with all of these things, and unfortunately the TBI symptoms that [his brother] experiences especially have left us homebound for the most part, and has severely limited what our other kids have been able to be involved in. The difficult recovery that [his brother] has had from his brain tumor created a very different life than we had all been used to prior to [the] diagnosis.  Especially with Isaiah being a teenager, my husband and I wanted him to be spending time with peers and others, getting involved in the community, participating in activities he enjoyed, etc., not homebound like this.  But with our family situation that was really difficult.

In the fall of 2023, I slowly started getting involved in First Community.  I joined the Women’s Guild and started attending The Gathering every Wednesday night.  Isaiah also started attending Crossroads on Sundays- I was so glad to find something that I knew he could consistently be involved in as my husband was off work on Sundays so we knew at least one of us adults could be with Judah at all times, while the other would be available for the rest of our kids needs.  I read about Heart to Heart in the youth ministry weekly emails and thought that would be a great thing for Isaiah to do after awhile, but thought it might be best to just get acclimated to the youth group first and then later try out volunteering at the food pantry.  But, after a week or two Isaiah insisted that we volunteer at Heart to Heart as soon as we could because Sarah kept mentioning that they really needed more volunteers.  My husband works 11am-8pm, so typically isn’t home in the evenings- but Wednesday is his other day off, so the timing actually worked perfectly.  So Isaiah and I signed up to volunteer one Wednesday and like Isaiah said- he hasn’t stopped! He absolutely loves it and always wants to sign up for any possible shift that we can make work out.  He also now volunteers with the Share and Learn Garden after a couple I sat with at The Gathering one evening suggested it as another volunteer opportunity that he might enjoy.  Isaiah had no gardening experience and didn’t know anyone there, but he’s not afraid to try new things and I really admire that about him.

Isaiah loves helping others by volunteering at Heart to Heart, but it’s more than that for him- being involved in these things has done so much for him and our family as well- it has given Isaiah a way to be involved in meaningful work, build community, and do things that he enjoys outside of our house even though we are still limited in general due to [his brother]’s brain tumor recovery.  It’s been a way for him to have a normal life again.  Our life stopped in 2021- for everyone in our family- and it’s taken such a long time to gain back a sense of normalcy.  We’re still struggling with that and figuring it out, but volunteering at Heart to Heart has been a huge part of that for Isaiah. We can’t express how much this means to us.

Thank you so much for these opportunities that Isaiah has at Heart to Heart and for welcoming him to this work.  He really looks up to you and I cannot stress enough how much he loves volunteering at Heart to Heart.