Weekly Update
Client Visits
- 57 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Jan 14
- 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Jan 15
- 75 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Jan 16
- 17 New Families this week
- 1,083 YTD Visits
Closed for MLK Day
Monday, January 20
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up. See you next year!
Tuesday, January 21
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (6)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (7)
Wednesday, January 22
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
Thursday, January 23
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (1)
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Shop & Stock (6)
Friday, January 24
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
Donation Calendar 2025
Heart to Heart will continue to collect donations once a month during First Community’s worship services. We welcome your contributions of unopened, non-expired, self-stable food, personal care, pet food, and baby care items anytime. If you’re looking for inspiration, please consider this list of our donation drives themes for the year. Each month, we will focus on collecting a single food or category of items. You can bring your donations with you to worship services on the Sundays listed below, and you will find our dedicated volunteers waiting to take your donations outside. We are grateful to Becky and Susan for volunteering to collect donations on these Sundays!
Inclement Weather Policy
Now is a good time of year to remind everyone of the policy for closing due to weather. We not only make decisions based on the safety of road conditions for clients, but consider the safety of our volunteers working outside while the pantry is serving clients.
Severe cold is predicted for Tuesday, and we have added a minimum temperature for closing. If you are signed up to volunteer, please check social media, your email, or our outgoing voicemail before you make your way to Heart to Heart Tuesday morning.
Heart to Heart will make every attempt to remain open during regular business hours unless there is a Level 2 Snow Emergency in Franklin County. The drive-thru (Tuesday and Thursday) will be closed in the event the actual temperature or windchill is zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower. In the event we are closed, we will make note on our voicemail and on our Facebook / Instagram pages. Volunteers for the day will be notified via email as soon as a decision to close has been made.
Save the Dates
Several Heart to Heart events are coming soon! Please mark your calendars accordingly.
- Monday, January 20 Closed for MLK Day
- Sunday, February 9 SOUPerbowl Sunday
- Feb 14 through Mar 30 Fundraising Match-a-thon
- Sunday, February 16 Heart to Heart Sunday in worship at First Community
- Monday, February 17 Closed for President’s Day
- Thursday, February 20 Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Dinner
Details forthcoming as they become available.
Volunteer Responsibilities
As the new year begins, we renew our efforts to maintain compliance and safety. We remind you of the responsibilities required of Heart to Heart volunteers, including completion of minor waivers (annual), Civil Rights Training (annual), and Darkness to Light sexual abuse prevention training (every 3 years). It is also a good time to review the First Community Minor Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct Graphic). Help us do the prep work that breathes life into the Volunteer Covenant, fostering a welcoming culture both for our neighbors and all those who serve alongside us.
Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Darkness to Light
In January 2016, First Community Church and Akita staff made a commitment to protecting all children from abuse by offering training in the nationally recognized sexual abuse prevention program, Darkness to Light. First Community staff, whether they work with children or not and volunteers who work with children are required to attend a Darkness to Light sexual abuse prevention training. Re-certification for staff and volunteers who work with children is required every three years.
On October 23, 2024 this announcement regarding the training was sent to all existing volunteers. Beginning in January 2025, all Heart to Heart volunteers are required to have completed this training. New volunteers will be allowed to participate in Heart to Heart activities until the next available in-person training. For instance, an individual volunteering for the first time on January 6 will be allowed to participate until the in-person training offered on February 18. At that point, if they have not completed the training course in person or online, they will be asked to refrain from volunteering until their training is completed.

Darkness to Light Training
Several opportunities to take the training program will be offered in 2025. Click the button below to register for the first no-cost in-person training of 2025.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6:30-9 pm
First Community North
Wing Grace Hall
You do not have to be an existing Heart to Heart volunteer to take the training. Further opportunities for in-person sessions will be made available in 2025, as instructor availability allows. If you are unable to do the free in-person training, you can take the training online for $16. Once your training is complete, forward your certificate of completion to us to be recorded.
If you have been affected by abuse and are emotionally unable to take the training, please reach out to Rev. John Girard . Your discussion will remain confidential.
An Invitation from Rev. Girard
Starting Tuesday, January 21, all Missions and Community Justice ministry teams will begin meeting together for monthly meetings, as I shared in the September 22 State of the Ministry Address. This will allow us to better know one another, and the ministries so many of you represent. First Community is widely involved in a number of mission and justice programs, projects, and partnerships, and works passionately to connect people, bridge gaps, and span chasms that separate people from resources. Thank you for all the ways you live into Jesus’ call to care for neighbors!
Everyone involved or interested in the work of our Missions and Community Justice teams is invited to join us. You do not need to RSVP or commit to future attendance. Please mark your 2025 calendars for these important meetings which will occur on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.