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Weekly Update

Service Statistics

January 28, Tuesday: 52
January 30, Thursday: 46

Prayer Requests

Beverly Minister
Kitty Rohrer


Inclement Weather Policy

Heart to Heart will make every attempt to remain open during regular business hours unless there is a Level 3 Snow Emergency in Franklin County. In the event we are closed, we will make note on our voicemail, on our Facebook page and here on our webpage. Volunteers for the day will be notified via email as soon as a decision to close has been made.

Volunteer Help Needed

We currently have some specific volunteer needs and hope you will consider filling any of these roles. Please click on the link to learn more about each opportunity:

Cleaning Session from Fresh Nest

Are you or a family member currently battling cancer? Would help cleaning your home benefit your family? If so, please enter to win a drawing for a free house cleaning session! We will draw a name and notify the winner on Monday.

To enter, please send a direct private message to us via Facebook messenger including your name, address, number of beds/baths and occupants in your home.

We would love to bring some cheer to a family dealing with this hardship, with help from our friends at Fresh Nest!

Volunteer of the Month

“Thursdays have become my very favorite day of the week.  It is the day that I volunteer at Heart to Heart and I have the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful and interesting clients and I get to work with the very best volunteers in the world.  It is just such a joyous place to be no matter what is going on in the world or your world.   You know that Heart to Heart will offer you kindness and calmness and a place to belong if only for a short time. I love to watch “it” happen to volunteers and clients alike when they come together to serve or be served. There is nothing like it!  Lamar wants all of us to gain something positive from our time together.  He encourages us to take the time to get to know clients and their families as we walk with them through the Heart to Heart grocery experience.  Like magic clients often open up and we all feel better being together with a common purpose…listening and sharing.”

Claudia Dusseau

Share the Love

Thank you to Byers Subaru Dublin for their $1500 donation to Heart to Heart. This check was given as part of their Share the Love program. We are so grateful for your generosity and commitment to the community!

Pictured above are Bob Miller, Amy Caskie (H2H staff) and Keith Cordova (Byers staff). Bob is a volunteer at Heart to Heart and emplotee at Byers.

Read more about their program online.


Upcoming Events

Hunger Hoedown 2020 screen graphic

Friday, February 7, 6 – 8:30 pm
Grace Hall, First Community North

This family-friendly event held at the North Campus of First Community Church includes square dancing, pizza, a raffle and fun for the whole family! Proceeds raised at the event benefit Heart to Heart, an important mission of the church. Professional calling by Eddie Powell; no previous square dancing experience required.  Can’t wait to see ya’ll there!


Volunteers are needed both prior to and during the event. From selling tickets and entries during worship on Sundays, to donating food items, there is an opportunity for everyone to contribute. View the opportunities and sign up online by clicking the button above.

Hoedown Webpage

Traditional Raffle

Between 30 and 40 smaller prizes and packages ranging in value from $20-$250 will be raffled off at the Hoedown. Entrants are required to be in attendance to win these items and tickets can not be purchased ahead-of-time for the traditional raffle items.

Each admission includes one raffle ticket which will be given when you check in at the registration table. Additional tickets will be available during the event for the cost of $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets.

Grand Prize Raffle

  • Short North Romantic Date Night Package valued at $1250
  • Bluejackets Experience Package valued at $850

Two grand prize packages are offered for raffle and winners will be chosen the night of the Hoedown. Unlike the traditional raffle items, winners are not required to be in attendance to receive the grand prize raffle packages. Raffle entries can be purchased ahead-of-time online or at tables after Sunday worship, and will be available for a limited time on the night of the Hoedown.

Cost for entries in the Grand Prize raffle:

  • 1 Raffle Entry $25
  • 3 Raffle Entries $50
  • 7 Raffle Entries $100
Raffle Information and Purchase Form
* These times were incorrect in firstnews Sunday bulletin insert.
Volunteer Sign Up

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God