Weekly Update
Service Statistics
February 6, Thursday: 33
Prayer Requests
Beverly Minister
Kitty Rohrer
Jim Schilling
Merydeth Tipton
Weekly Blog Posts
Due to vacations in the department, this post will take the place of the Saturday posts from February 8 and 15.
Recap from Lamar’s Vacation
I met with some movers and shakers in Guyana who are into the arts, eco-tourism, journalism, radio, and technology amongst other various fields. We sat down and had an intimate dinner and talked about life. Where we are from, our families, what’s important to us, etc. I must say outside of my time in Mississippi, I have never sat down and talked with such open people. They opened up shared things that I thought were very personal. Experiencing domestic violence, losing a loved one and more. It was so refreshing to be around such like-minded people, who were truly themselves, although they hold degrees and many titles. There was something truly human about them and how deeply they felt about life.

From left to right: Racquel, Sonia, Stan, Mia, Anthony

This is my new friend Emanuel (the human) and his not-so-friendly friend Sun Kar (Black Caiman). Emanuel is from 1 of 9 of the indigenous tribes that were first to be in Guyana. Awesome and interesting guy.

…and this ladies and gentlemen is Turtle Mountain! 984 ft and a sight of beauty to behold. Trees so green when the color forest green was created, I’m sure this is the picture they had in mind. Absolutely stunning. Lastly, if you look hard enough you can see the Essequibo river running east and west between the tree lines.
Hunger Hoedown
Thank you to everyone that supported us at the Hoedown last Friday. We appreciate your contribution whether you donated, volunteered or participated! We will give you fundraising results next week, but in the meantime, please enjoy these photos from the event.
Young Donor
We would also like to extend our thanks to Ethan Young, nephew of Steve and Sandra Young, our regular volunteers. Last week at the Hoedown, Ethan made a generous donation of $200 in memory of his grandfather, David. This money was earned from the sale of the matchbox cars that his grandfather had collected and left for Ethan when he passed away last year. This kind gesture shows that Ethan will continue the family’s legacy of giving.
Happy Birthday, Jill!
Our original director, Jill Thomas (pictured below) was born on Valentine’s Day, February 14. After several years as Project Adelphos, over time the ministry grew and became known as Heart to Heart due, in part, to Jill. Also, the goal of the ministry was originally to connect individuals one-on-one. While we no longer use that model, we continue to promote the idea of community, connection and love.

Happy Valentine’s Day
Residents of Powell Senior Living spent an afternoon crafting beautiful homemade Valentine’s Day cards for the clients of Heart to Heart to deliver to their loved ones. Special cards made with lots of love!
MOFB February Order
Our February order from Mid-Ohio Foodbank totaled $993.33. Click here to view what we picked up on Monday.
January Stats
In January we served 441 Households over 8 service days. Read more about our January Statistics in the blog post.
Kroger Community Rewards
Time Period November 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020
Households participating: 274
Total donation for Heart to Heart: $ 1,177.54
Help provide for a family in need while shopping for yours. Follow this link to learn more about enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards program benefitting Heart to Heart.
Recent Donations
Pepperidge Farm at 1174 Kenny Centre Mall has donated for the first time and we are looking forward to working with them in the future. Their donation totalled 220 pounds. Thank you to Marcy Miller for setting up this partnership.
We also received a donation from the Big Lots at 1451 W. Fifth Avenue. It included 106 pounds of dairy products and 204 pounds of dry goods.
Tri-Village Rotary club met bright and early Monday morning at Heart to Heart. They had been holding a competition to see who could solicit and contribute the most donations for us. In total, they brought us 2,901 pounds of food!
Upcoming Events
And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ
Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God