Weekly Update
Client Visits
- 34 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Feb 18
- 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Feb 19
- 47 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Feb 20
- 12 New Families this week
- 1072 YTD Visits
MOFC Order
On Monday, we’ll receive our order from Mid-Ohio Foodbank for over 5,200 pounds! Click the image to enlarge for a look at what to expect.
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.
Monday, February 24
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Order Unloading (4)
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Shop & Stock (1)
Tuesday, February 25
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (4)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)
Wednesday, February 26
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
Thursday, February 27
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (5)
Thanks, Yohan!
There is no food pantry without the effort of our amazing team of volunteers. Take this opportunity to thank Coach Kim, too! Everyone is invited to share a message of appreciation to Yohan Kim, Heart to Heart food pantry manager. Stations for this activity will be available through the end of the week:
- Fri, Feb 21 through Mon, Feb 24
FC North, outside Wing Grace Hall
- Tue, Feb 25 through Fri, Feb 28
FC South, outside Weist Room
Yohan’s workaversary is March 1, so we will present these as a gift for him in celebration the following Monday! All the materials needed to participate are provided. Look for the signed pictured above for the Thank You station. You do not have to be a volunteer to participate.
Generosity Match-a-thon
Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This ministry evolved from a task force, in the early 1980s, known as Project Adelphos. The task force was formed by congregation members looking for a way to, “put their faith into action”. One of the task force members was Cathy Klamar. She saw the project grow from its infancy, and in the video below, she reflects on the impact of our ministry.
This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients. The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community.
We are grateful for the generosity of the donors who contributed so far. As of Wednesday, we have raised $7,080.00 toward our $20,000 goal! If you would like to make a contribution toward this campaign, click the button to donate online or make checks payable to First Community Church with “Heart to Heart” in the memo field. You can mail or drop off checks at First Community South, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212
February is Heart to Heart Month
So many events have happened during our month-long celebration of Heart to Heart food pantry. Click below to read updates on each of them!
Social Media
Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.