Weekly Update
Service Statistics
March 5, Thursday: 45
Prayer Requests
Friends and family of Mary Garvin

Baby Quilts
This is photo of the Veda Hendricks family was taken at the pantry on Thursday. Christian is 4 months old and received baby quilt from the quiliting group today. They were so grateful.

Voter Registration
Pictured here are Deb Linville and Sally Kriska getting clients registered to vote on March 17. Not only were they helping new voters register, but they assisted with change of address forms and checked polling locations for several clients. In just two weeks, they were able to help 34 clients.
Staying Healthy
We encourage everyone to review these basic tips for the prevention of illness:
- Wash your hands frequently—with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds.
- Sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow or a tissue, not your hand.
- Wash immediately after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
- Feel free to “bump elbows” or bow to one another, rather than hugging or shaking hands.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose and eyes, with
unwashed hands. - Regularly disinfect surfaces frequently touched including keyboards, desktops, elevator buttons and door knobs.
- Use hand sanitizer.
- Avoid close contact with someone who is sick.
- Stay home if you are sick!
Prevention at the Pantry
At Heart to Heart we are doing our part to prevent the spread of viruses. At the end of every day, volunteers wipe handles, chairs, light-switches, keyboard/mouse, etc. with alcohol-based sanitizing wipes. We have also provided alcohol-based hand sanitizer in each of the rooms we regularly use.
We are asking and encouraging all volunteers who have a fever or feel ill to stay home. You should remain isolated at home until you are symptom/fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
Donation Request
We would love to be able to send each client away with a dispenser of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Please drop off these contributions at the donation stations at both church locations, or inside the annex building.
Thank you
Thank you to all our volunteers, donors, and community partners for their support of our mission.
And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ
Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God