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Weekly Update

Prayer Requests

  • Diane Sturges and her mother
  • Joe Martin, First Community staff member
  • Click here to be added to First Community prayer chain.

Service Statistics

June 30, Tuesday: 52 households served
July 2, Thursday: 31 households served


Update from Director

Hi friends,

Heart to Heart is still here! We are aware that unemployment benefits are scheduled to be cut at the end of July. The majority of the clientele we see at Heart to Heart is usually a mom with 2-3 children. If benefits are cut for our families, this could create a need for more assistance. Pre COVID-19, a family of four could make a yearly income of $51,499 before being eligible to visit food pantries according to Ohio Department of Job and Family Service. Since COVID-19 a family of four can make a yearly income of up to $59,225. With the factors of unemployment, COVID-19, changing income guidelines, etc. this could mean we are in for a challenge, however we are embracing it.

We started our Pre-Packaged initiative on March 17, and we plan on continuing this process until further notice. Our very first day on March 17, we served 92 households and on the very next day March 19, we served 63 households. Since then our numbers haven’t been as high. I would attribute our number going down due to families having additional funding for food via unemployment in addition to schools helping with food and extra funding.

Whatever challenges may arise, Heart to Heart is still here. Your support through this pandemic has been matchless. We appreciate your advocacy, financial support, your volunteering, and most importantly your love and prayers. We could not do what we do without your help. Keep us in mind over the next couple of weeks as we prepare to be a blessing to each client that visits us.

With God’s help all things are possible,


Week in Pictures

First Pop-Up Pantry a Success

by Janice Rook

We are delighted to share that the Pop Up Pantry went smoothly today.  As you saw, food was bagged quickly with stock from Lincoln Road.  It was then delivered to our designated site, Commons at Livingston, a supported housing complex for veterans managed by National Church Residences.  Several clients were outside the entrance when we arrived.  Our contact, Joyce, met us, and bags were unloaded without any difficulty.  Joyce and the clients expressed their appreciation for our efforts.

Thanks to our team members today, Kitty Rohrer, Kathleen Hatcher, and Rose Kandel.  Melody and I were there to train and coordinate volunteer activities.  Kitty donated loaves of bread and jelly for each client. Additionally, Kathleen donated bar soap and deodorant and Janice donated full-size shampoo for each client.

If you are interested in volunteering for this new opportunity, please contact Janice Rook or Melody Smiley

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God