Weekly Update
Service Statistics
Households served via Drive-Thru
- 34 on Tuesday, August 10
- 5 on Wednesday, August 11
- 29 on Thursday, August 12
Households served via Pop-Up
- 23 on Wednesday, August 11
Volunteer Needs
Here are the opportunities to serve at Heart to Heart next week. Click the lightbulb to sign up.
Monday, August 16
3:30 – 4:30 MOFB Truck Unloading
Tuesday, August 17
8:30 – 10:30 Drive-Thru (1)
10:00 – 12:30 Drive-Thru (1)
Wednesday, August 18
1:00 -2:00 MOFB Shop Thru (1)
3:00 – 4:30 Evening Prep Shift (2)
4:30 – 7:30 Drive-Thru (2)
Thursday, August 19
8:00 – 9:00 MOFB Shop Thru (1)
10:00 – 12:30 Drive-Thru (3)
Pop UPdate
The Pop Up Pantry team delivered food directly to clients and their families at the following agency sites during the month of July:
- July 7: Commons at Livingston- 38 clients
- July 14: Southpoint Village Apartments-34 clients
- July 21: Hope Recovery Services-30 clients
- July 28: Commons at Grant- 30 clients
Monthly totals for 2021:
- January 144
- February 135
- March 121
- April 130
- May 127
- June 124
- July 132
We are continuing to work with potential agency sites for the expansion of the Pop Up Pantry on Thursday afternoons. Our newest expansion site, Wedgewood Village Apartments, has been on hold due to staffing issues. In the meantime, we are working with another agency, Franklinton Farms, to onboard in early September.
We are blessed by our Pop Up Pantry team members who continue to serve our clients each week. We are grateful that Kitty Rohrer will be returning to our team after taking a break to do some contingent work for the state and getting ready to move from her home of over 40 years. We are praying for our co-lead, Melody Smiley, who is caring for her husband, Matt, at home.
We will continue to provide updates as we move forward with our expansion plans. We are grateful for the opportunity each week to serve families with food insecurity and continue our outreach ministry of the church.
Mask Mandate
Attention volunteers! We again will require masks indoors regardless of vaccination status beginning immediately. We strongly recommend wearing masks in the drive-thru, as well.

Shop to Support

Help provide for a family in need while shopping for yours! Enroll your Kroger Plus Card and a portion of your purchases will be donated to the Heart to Heart food pantry.
In the quarter beginning May 1 and ending July 31, 2021, 264 households were enrolled earning $1,129.40 for our mission!
Sign up on their website: Kroger.com/communityrewards
The Organization Number is: TB926 FIRST COMMUNITY CHURCH
Volunteer Training Opportunities
Ohio Benefits Training
Participants in this training will gain a better understanding of ways to connect eligible individuals to SNAP Benefits, including the ability to pre-screen and use Ohio Benefits Self Service Portal. Participants will be able to determine the right outreach strategy for their agency. Participants will discuss ways to connect clients to social Benefits such as SNAP/Medicaid/ and OWF. Participants will take away how to submit SNAP/ Medicaid/ OWF benefits using Ohio Benefits Self Service Portal. Best tips and tricks in navigating common barriers to assisting individuals.
- At this time there is no registration fee to attend – FREE!
- Space is limited! No more than 35 individuals may register.
- This session will be held via ZOOM MEETINGS. You will receive an email with the Zoom link approx.48 hours before the training.
Click Here to register for Thursday, September 23, 10 am to 12 pm.
Advocacy and SNAP
Register today and join the conversation. Tim White, MOFC Advocacy Manager, and Juanita Burden, Director of Benefits and Customer Outreach, join forces in an open forum to discuss the State Budget and its effects on essential programs and benefits for your customers.
Explore ways to push back and advocate against the continued assault on the SNAP program. Learn how to help your customers be aware of available benefits and how to successfully navigate the application process. Bring your questions and prepare to engage!
Click here to register for Advocacy & SNAP September 16th 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Pantry Trak/Fresh Trak
This workshop will provide the fundamentals to get started with Pantry Trak at your agency. Participants with learn how to administer the intake process using Pantry Trak and will be guided on best practices for developing an efficient process in registering your clients. For agencies already using Pantry Trak, this workshop will be helpful as a refresher of the basics.
Training will be held virtually via ZOOM. Once you have registered you will be sent the link for the Zoom approximately 48 hours prior to the training session. Please make sure you register with your name, email address and phone number as well as your Agency Name and ID Number. (Heart to Heart Agency 1042).
Click below to register:
Food Safety
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify food safety risks
- Take appropriate action when someone has symptoms of foodborne illness or is diagnosed with a reportable disease
- Follow good personal hygiene and hand care practices
- Identify cross-contamination risks and methods for prevention
- Implement effective cleaning and sanitizing procedures
- Identify appropriate pest prevention measures and signs of pest infestations
- Maintain facilities and equipment in compliance with regulations
Training will be held via ZOOM MEETING. Once you have registered you will be sent the link for the Zoom approximately 48 hours prior to the training session. Please make sure you register with your name, email address and phone number as well as your Agency Name and ID Number. (Heart to Heart Agency 1042)
Click below to register:
Upcoming Events at the Trading Post

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ
Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God
In accordance with Federal law and U.S.D.A. policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.