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December 3, 2022

By December 3, 2022Weekly Update

Upcoming Events

Donation Match

All financial contributions made to Heart to Heart from November 1 through December 31 will be matched up to $20,000. As of Monday, we have raised $17,950. With the increase in both demand and cost of food in recent months, the food pantry needs additional financial resources more than ever. Please know that your doubled donation will be doubly appreciated this year! We are grateful to Jill and Duke Thomas for their support through this matching grant.

Click to Donate

Sponsors Needed

Heart to Heart has been overwhelmed with calls requesting sponsorship for Christmas gifts. In fact, we received so many inquiries that we are no longer accepting requests for sponsorship- but we still need sponsors!  60 families still need sponsors. Please consider sponsoring one or more families through the purchase of Christmas gifts. We encourage group sponsorships. For instance, your guild, book club, or department at work can combine resources to provide support for an entire family. The Christmas shopping season is about to begin, and we would like to ensure all these families have support by December 9. If you can sponsor a family, please email Kitty Rohrer with your contact details. More details about how the program operates are available at


2023 Calendar


In November, the Pop Up Pantry, delivered to the following sites:

  • Nov 2:      Commons at Livingston – 35
  • Nov 9:       Hope Resource Center – 25
  • Nov 17:     Riverview International Center – 30
  • Nov 21:     Southpoint – 38
  • Nov 21:     Grant – 20
  • Nov 30:     Hope Resource Center – 30

Total served for the month of Nov:   178

Pop Up 2022 Monthly totals:

  • January:         161
  • February:       159
  • March:           154
  • April:              162
  • May:              162
  • June:              225
  • July:               187
  • August:           210
  • September:    174
  • October:         177
  • November:     178

YTD:           1,949 Individuals/families served

Our Southpoint Christmas Toy Drive is off to a great start.  We continue to receive donations.  Our goal is to grant 28 families with 84 children totaling 168 gifts.  Each child will receive two gifts.  We are so thankful to have Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School, FCC congregation and our family and friends all help make the wishes of Southpoint children come true.

We served our neighbors at HOPE Resource Center at their new location this month.  They are now housed at First United Brethren Church on S. Wheatland Ave.  Their hours are M, W, F 9:30-12:30.  Now our neighbors have a place to sit inside and eat a meal, receive clothing, mats and our pantry food.  We were able to spend time and visit with our new friends.

Our Pop Up Team is grateful for some cake donations from Mary Youngquist.  She sends some to us that we give to our sites.  There are blessings all around us.

Melody and I are continually blessed to have the support of First Community/Heart to Heart Staff and all the dedicated volunteers who give so much of their time and energy.

Serving in Faith,

Rose and Melody

Social Media

Weekly Update

Weekly Numbers

Households served via Drive-Thru

  • 72 on Tuesday, November 22
  • 46 on Tuesday, November 29
  • 53 on Thursday, December 1

Households served via Pop-Up

  • 58 on Monday, November 21
  • 30 on Wednesday, November 30

Volunteers Needed

Tuesday, December 6

8:30am – 10:30am Drive-Thru (3)

10:00am – 12:30pm Drive-Thru (4)

Wednesday, December 7

1:00pm – 2:00pm Mid-Ohio Foodbank Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, December 8

8:30am – 10:30am Drive-Thru (3)

10:00am – 12:30pm Drive-Thru (4)

Friday, December 9

9:00am – 10:00am Direct Retail Pickup (1)

9:30am – 10:30am Cold Stocking (2)

Click here to sign up

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God

In accordance with Federal law and U.S.D.A. policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.