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Weekly Update

Service Statistics

July 14, Tuesday: 39 households
July 15, Wednesday: 25 households
July 16, Thursday: 39 households
July 21, Tuesday: 46 households
July 22, Wednesday: 25 households
July 23, Thursday: 46 households

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for Joe Martin, a First Community staff member.
  • Click here to be added to First Community prayer chain.


Week in Pictures


by Janice Rook

On Wednesday, July 15, the Pop-Up Pantry traveled to The Commons at Grant, a supportive housing complex for clients managed by National Church Residences.  Food was bagged with stock from Lincoln Road as well as produce from the pantry and delivered to 25 residents at the complex.  A few residents were outside upon our arrival and expressed appreciation for bringing the food to their residence.  Danielle, the case manager, also expressed her thanks to our team.

Thanks to the team members; Kitty Rohrer, Kathleen Hatcher, Rose Kandel, Melody Smiley and Janice Rook.

On Wednesday, July 22, the Pop-Up Pantry team delivered food to 25 clients at North 22nd Street, a 32-unit supported housing complex for clients with mental health needs managed by National Church Residences and part of the Community Housing Network.   Food was bagged with stock from Lincoln Road, bread and produce from the pantry, and produce from our church garden.  It was then delivered to the site.  Our contact, Christine, and another staff member met us upon arrival, and bags were unloaded with assistance from three of the clients.  Staff and the clients expressed much appreciation for our efforts.

Thanks to our team members today, Kitty Rohrer, Kathleen Hatcher, Rose Kandel, Melody Smiley and Janice Rook. Thanks to Melody for donating bar soap for each of the clients. Thanks to Kitty for doing the data entry and record-keeping.

Below is a picture of Kitty, Rose, and the staff, Christine and Rachel, showing their Ohio spirit.

Since there are five Wednesdays in July, we will not be running the Pop-Up Pantry next Wednesday.  Our next pantry date will be on August 5.

If you are interested in volunteering for this new opportunity, please contact Janice Rook or Melody Smiley

And what does the Lord
require of you
But to do justice,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly
with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJ

Our mission at Heart to Heart is to respond to God’s commandment to love one another.
Our vision of Heart to Heart is to model God’s love by:
Cultivating a loving community
Honoring individual gifts
Feeding bodies and souls
…and seeing everyone as a child of God