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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Monthly Statistics

December 2020 stats

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 104

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 578
  • Seniors Served: 204
  • Adults Served: 1,017
  • Children Served: 864
  • Individuals Served: 2,085
  • Meals Served: 18,765

Food Received

  • First Community: 4,904 pounds
  • GFS:  106 pounds
  • GiantEagle: 1,741 pounds
  • Marc’s: 523 pounds
  • Starbucks:  251 pounds
  • Target: 1,637 pounds
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 15,046 pounds
    • Order: 9,838 pounds
    • Shop Thru: 5,208 pounds

Statistics: December 2019

By Statistics

73 Unique Volunteers

2902 pounds of food donated to other agencies


Service Statistics

298 Households served

1102 Individuals served

179 Seniors served (60+)

529 Adults served (18-59)

397 Children served (0-18)

9918 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1627 Giant Eagle

548 GFS

269 Huffman’s Market

484 Marc’s

6345 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 4863

Donated 1482

51 Penzey’s Spices

403 Starbucks

2451 Target

1192 First Community Church


Statistics: November 2019

By Statistics

81 Unique Volunteers

945 pounds of food donated to other agencies


Service Statistics

409 Households served

1,495 Individuals served

236 Seniors served (60+)

725 Adults served (18-59)

534 Children served (0-18)

13,455 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1975 Giant Eagle

353 GFS

117 Huffman’s Market

448 Marc’s

6050 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 3628

Donated 2422

76 Penzey’s Spices

698 Starbucks

2205 Target

1235 First Community Church


Statistics: October 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         80


Service Statistics

Households served                                        477

Individuals served                                          1,675

Seniors served (60+)                                      250

Adults served (18-59)                                    860

Children served (0-18)                                  565

Meals served                                                   15,075


Food Received (pounds)

Giant Eagle                                                      2,115

GFS                                                                    953

Huffman’s Market                                          185

Marc’s                                                               539

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      8,589

Ordered                              3,024

Donated                             5,565

Penzey’s Spices                                               70

Starbucks                                                          647

Target                                                               4,474

First Community Church                              560

Annex building                  460

North Campus                   68

South Campus                   32

Statistics: September 2019

By Statistics

71 Unique Volunteers


Service Statistics

370 Households served

1262 Individuals served

214 Seniors served (60+)

651 Adults served (18-59)

397 Children served (0-18)

11,358 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

3,402 Fresh Market

2,741 Giant Eagle

806 GFS

220 Huffman’s Market

399 Marc’s

8,164 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 4,299

Donated 3,865

64 Penzey’s Spices

162 Starbucks

3,461 Target

4,375 First Community Church

Statistics: August 2019

By Statistics

85 Unique Volunteers


Service Statistics

484 Households served

1,652 Individuals served

257 Seniors served (60+)

839 Adults served (18-59)

556 Children served (0-18)

14,868 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1,009 Fresh Market

2,024 Giant Eagle

666 GFS

366 Huffman’s Market

829 Marc’s

15,252 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 10844

Donated 4408

109 Starbucks

2,938 Target

226 First Community Church



Statistics: July 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         76

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2,260


Service Statistics

Households served                                        397

Individuals served                                          1,362

Seniors served (60+)                                      225

Adults served (18-59)                                    668

Children served (0-18)                                  469

Meals served                                                   12,258


Food Received (pounds)

Fresh Market                                                   1,727

Giant Eagle                                                      2,909

GFS                                                                    771

Huffman’s Market                                          188

Marc’s                                                               683

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      12,904

Ordered                              8,667

Donated                             4,237

Penzey’s Spices                                               368

Starbucks                                                          13

Target                                                               3,734

First Community Church                              829

Annex building                  501

North Campus                   126

South Campus                   202


Statistics: June 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         88

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2034


Service Statistics

Households served                                        430

Individuals served                                          1503

Seniors served (60+)                                      249

Adults served (18-59)                                    770

Children served (0-18)                                  484

Meals served                                                   13527


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    1472

Fresh Market                                                   1602

Giant Eagle                                                      2759

GFS                                                                    1037

Huffman’s Market                                          179

Kroger                                                               242

Marc’s                                                               724

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      4594

Ordered                              1131

Donated                             3463

Penzey’s Spices                                               46

Starbucks                                                          70

Target                                                               4556

First Community Church                              396

Annex building                  227

North Campus                   106

South Campus                   63


Statistics: May 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         67

Food Donated to Other Agencies              1075


Service Statistics

Households served                                        443

Individuals served                                          1460

Seniors served (60+)                                      241

Adults served (18-59)                                    733

Children served (0-18)                                  486

Meals served                                                   13140


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    2336

Fresh Market                                                   1562

Giant Eagle                                                      2697

GFS                                                                    689

Huffman’s Market                                          105

Kroger                                                               614

Marc’s                                                               765

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      10,760

Ordered                              6,481

Donated                             4,279

Penzey’s Spices                                               51

Starbucks                                                          50

Target                                                               5095

First Community Church                              966

Annex building                  953

North Campus                   11

South Campus                   2


Statistics: April 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         88

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2034


Service Statistics

Households served                                        430

Individuals served                                          1503

Seniors served (60+)                                      249

Adults served (18-59)                                    770

Children served (0-18)                                  484

Meals served                                                   13527


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    1472

Fresh Market                                                   1602

Giant Eagle                                                      2759

GFS                                                                    1037

Huffman’s Market                                          179

Kroger                                                               242

Marc’s                                                               724

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      4594

Ordered                              1131

Donated                             3463

Penzey’s Spices                                               46

Starbucks                                                          70

Target                                                               4556

First Community Church                              396

Annex building                  227

North Campus                   106

South Campus                   63


Statistics: March 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers:
Food Donated to other Agencies: 1,217 pounds

Service Statistics

Households served 409
Individuals served 1,327
Seniors served (60+) 431
Adults served (18-59) 674
Children served (0-18) 431
Meals served 11,943


Food Received

(in pounds unless listed otherwise)

Mid-Ohio Foodbank
Donated 3,409
FCC 596
Aldi 2,556
Fresh Market 1,351
GFS 1,116
Giant Eagle 2,182
Huffman’s Market 380
Marc’s 595
Starbucks 56
Target 4,215

Statistics: February 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 83
Food Donated to other Agencies: 1,374 pounds

Service Statistics

Households served 409
Individuals served 1,327
Seniors served (60+) 431
Adults served (18-59) 674
Children served (0-18) 431
Meals served 11,943


Food Received

(in pounds unless listed otherwise)

Mid-Ohio Foodbank 9,806
Purchased 7,477
Donated 2,329
FCC 139
Aldi 1,109
Fresh Market 736
GFS 648
Giant Eagle 1,356
Huffman’s Market 167
Marc’s 145
Starbucks 64
Target 2,619