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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Monthly Statistics

Statistics: December 2019

By Statistics

73 Unique Volunteers

2902 pounds of food donated to other agencies


Service Statistics

298 Households served

1102 Individuals served

179 Seniors served (60+)

529 Adults served (18-59)

397 Children served (0-18)

9918 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1627 Giant Eagle

548 GFS

269 Huffman’s Market

484 Marc’s

6345 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 4863

Donated 1482

51 Penzey’s Spices

403 Starbucks

2451 Target

1192 First Community Church


Statistics: November 2019

By Statistics

81 Unique Volunteers

945 pounds of food donated to other agencies


Service Statistics

409 Households served

1,495 Individuals served

236 Seniors served (60+)

725 Adults served (18-59)

534 Children served (0-18)

13,455 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1975 Giant Eagle

353 GFS

117 Huffman’s Market

448 Marc’s

6050 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 3628

Donated 2422

76 Penzey’s Spices

698 Starbucks

2205 Target

1235 First Community Church


Statistics: October 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         80


Service Statistics

Households served                                        477

Individuals served                                          1,675

Seniors served (60+)                                      250

Adults served (18-59)                                    860

Children served (0-18)                                  565

Meals served                                                   15,075


Food Received (pounds)

Giant Eagle                                                      2,115

GFS                                                                    953

Huffman’s Market                                          185

Marc’s                                                               539

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      8,589

Ordered                              3,024

Donated                             5,565

Penzey’s Spices                                               70

Starbucks                                                          647

Target                                                               4,474

First Community Church                              560

Annex building                  460

North Campus                   68

South Campus                   32

Statistics: September 2019

By Statistics

71 Unique Volunteers


Service Statistics

370 Households served

1262 Individuals served

214 Seniors served (60+)

651 Adults served (18-59)

397 Children served (0-18)

11,358 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

3,402 Fresh Market

2,741 Giant Eagle

806 GFS

220 Huffman’s Market

399 Marc’s

8,164 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 4,299

Donated 3,865

64 Penzey’s Spices

162 Starbucks

3,461 Target

4,375 First Community Church

Statistics: August 2019

By Statistics

85 Unique Volunteers


Service Statistics

484 Households served

1,652 Individuals served

257 Seniors served (60+)

839 Adults served (18-59)

556 Children served (0-18)

14,868 Meals served


Food Received (pounds)

1,009 Fresh Market

2,024 Giant Eagle

666 GFS

366 Huffman’s Market

829 Marc’s

15,252 Mid-Ohio Foodbank

Ordered 10844

Donated 4408

109 Starbucks

2,938 Target

226 First Community Church



Statistics: July 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         76

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2,260


Service Statistics

Households served                                        397

Individuals served                                          1,362

Seniors served (60+)                                      225

Adults served (18-59)                                    668

Children served (0-18)                                  469

Meals served                                                   12,258


Food Received (pounds)

Fresh Market                                                   1,727

Giant Eagle                                                      2,909

GFS                                                                    771

Huffman’s Market                                          188

Marc’s                                                               683

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      12,904

Ordered                              8,667

Donated                             4,237

Penzey’s Spices                                               368

Starbucks                                                          13

Target                                                               3,734

First Community Church                              829

Annex building                  501

North Campus                   126

South Campus                   202


Statistics: June 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         88

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2034


Service Statistics

Households served                                        430

Individuals served                                          1503

Seniors served (60+)                                      249

Adults served (18-59)                                    770

Children served (0-18)                                  484

Meals served                                                   13527


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    1472

Fresh Market                                                   1602

Giant Eagle                                                      2759

GFS                                                                    1037

Huffman’s Market                                          179

Kroger                                                               242

Marc’s                                                               724

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      4594

Ordered                              1131

Donated                             3463

Penzey’s Spices                                               46

Starbucks                                                          70

Target                                                               4556

First Community Church                              396

Annex building                  227

North Campus                   106

South Campus                   63


Statistics: May 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         67

Food Donated to Other Agencies              1075


Service Statistics

Households served                                        443

Individuals served                                          1460

Seniors served (60+)                                      241

Adults served (18-59)                                    733

Children served (0-18)                                  486

Meals served                                                   13140


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    2336

Fresh Market                                                   1562

Giant Eagle                                                      2697

GFS                                                                    689

Huffman’s Market                                          105

Kroger                                                               614

Marc’s                                                               765

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      10,760

Ordered                              6,481

Donated                             4,279

Penzey’s Spices                                               51

Starbucks                                                          50

Target                                                               5095

First Community Church                              966

Annex building                  953

North Campus                   11

South Campus                   2


Statistics: April 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers                                         88

Food Donated to Other Agencies              2034


Service Statistics

Households served                                        430

Individuals served                                          1503

Seniors served (60+)                                      249

Adults served (18-59)                                    770

Children served (0-18)                                  484

Meals served                                                   13527


Food Received (pounds)

Aldi                                                                    1472

Fresh Market                                                   1602

Giant Eagle                                                      2759

GFS                                                                    1037

Huffman’s Market                                          179

Kroger                                                               242

Marc’s                                                               724

Mid-Ohio Foodbank                                      4594

Ordered                              1131

Donated                             3463

Penzey’s Spices                                               46

Starbucks                                                          70

Target                                                               4556

First Community Church                              396

Annex building                  227

North Campus                   106

South Campus                   63


Statistics: March 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers:
Food Donated to other Agencies: 1,217 pounds

Service Statistics

Households served 409
Individuals served 1,327
Seniors served (60+) 431
Adults served (18-59) 674
Children served (0-18) 431
Meals served 11,943


Food Received

(in pounds unless listed otherwise)

Mid-Ohio Foodbank
Donated 3,409
FCC 596
Aldi 2,556
Fresh Market 1,351
GFS 1,116
Giant Eagle 2,182
Huffman’s Market 380
Marc’s 595
Starbucks 56
Target 4,215

Statistics: February 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers: 83
Food Donated to other Agencies: 1,374 pounds

Service Statistics

Households served 409
Individuals served 1,327
Seniors served (60+) 431
Adults served (18-59) 674
Children served (0-18) 431
Meals served 11,943


Food Received

(in pounds unless listed otherwise)

Mid-Ohio Foodbank 9,806
Purchased 7,477
Donated 2,329
FCC 139
Aldi 1,109
Fresh Market 736
GFS 648
Giant Eagle 1,356
Huffman’s Market 167
Marc’s 145
Starbucks 64
Target 2,619

Statistics: January 2019

By Statistics

Unique Volunteers:
Food Donated to other Agencies:

Service Statistics

Households served
Individuals served
Seniors served (60+)
Adults served (18-59)
Children served (0-18)
Meals served


Food Received

(in pounds unless listed otherwise)

Mid-Ohio Foodbank
Fresh Market
Giant Eagle
Huffman’s Market