News & Updates
We Did It… or rather, YOU did it!
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we met our $20,000 fundraising goal and then some! Of the $30,897 raised (as of March 27), $20,000 is matched by Duke Thomas in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who served as Heart to Heart’s first director. While March 31 is the official end date for our fundraiser, please consider making a donation to Heart to Heart at any time. There is no way to adequately express our gratitude for your gifts, but we made a video anyway
Click PLAY to see just a few faces, representing the hundreds who are grateful for your generosity.
Client Visits
- 76 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Mar 25
- 35 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Mar 26
- 68 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Thu Mar 27
- 31 New Families this week
- 1,895 YTD Visits
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.
Monday, March 31
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)
Tuesday, April 1
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (9)
Wednesday, April 2
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (2)
Thursday, April 3
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (4)
Friday, April 4
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
Upcoming Events
April 13 Jelly Drive
Jelly is a school lunch staple for many kids and we can rarely get it from our vendor. While we usually have plenty of peanut butter, we need your donation to complete every lunchbox’s favorite sandwich! On April 13, bring your jelly donations with you to Sunday worship services at First Community. If you are attending services at North, please look for the donation station sign in the parking lot and drop off your donations before you come inside! If you’re attending services at South, please look for the donation cart at Crane welcome center, where you can drop off your donation with our volunteer.
Heart to Heart food pantry holds a once-a-month donation collection during Sunday worship services to promote material contributions for those attending First Community for worship. We will share our theme each month in emails, blogs, newsletters and on the screens on Sundays. Click here to view our schedule for the entire year. We hope these fun themes will encourage donation participation!
While we designate a monthly theme, we gladly accept other donations during these drives. The food pantry can always use donations of jelly, soup, diapers and, of course, financial contributions. Visit our page for donation instructions and a link to contribute online.
April 12 Shred Day
Heart to Heart food pantry will once again participate in the UAHS PTO Shred Day and donation collection. Hyre Personal Wealth Advisors and Herb Gillen Agency sponsor rental of a Shred-It truck for this event annually. The public are welcome to come with a box of documents to be shred for a suggested donation of $5/box. Originally conceived as a sort of Spring Cleaning event, Heart to Heart has been on site each year since its inception, collecting non-perishable food. This year, First Community has expanded their presence, collecting items for four ministries! Click the flyer below for more information.