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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Weekly Update

March 28, 2025

By Weekly UpdateNo Comments

News & Updates

We Did It… or rather, YOU did it!

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we met our $20,000 fundraising goal and then some! Of the $30,897 raised (as of March 27), $20,000 is matched by Duke Thomas in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who served as Heart to Heart’s first director. While March 31 is the official end date for our fundraiser, please consider making a donation to Heart to Heart at any time. There is no way to adequately express our gratitude for your gifts, but we made a video anyway

Click PLAY to see just a few faces, representing the hundreds who are grateful for your generosity.

Click to Donate!


Client Visits

  • 76 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Mar 25
  • 35 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Mar 26
  • 68 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Thu Mar 27
  • 31 New Families this week
  • 1,895 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, March 31
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)

Tuesday, April 1
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (9)

Wednesday, April 2
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (2)

Thursday, April 3
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (4)

Friday, April 4
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)

Sign up to Volunteer

Upcoming Events

April 13 Jelly Drive

Jelly is a school lunch staple for many kids and we can rarely get it from our vendor. While we usually have plenty of peanut butter, we need your donation to complete every lunchbox’s favorite sandwich! On April 13, bring your jelly donations with you to Sunday worship services at First Community. If you are attending services at North, please look for the donation station sign in the parking lot and drop off your donations before you come inside! If you’re attending services at South, please look for the donation cart at Crane welcome center, where you can drop off your donation with our volunteer.

Heart to Heart food pantry holds a once-a-month donation collection during Sunday worship services to promote material contributions for those attending First Community for worship. We will share our theme each month in emails, blogs, newsletters and on the screens on Sundays. Click here to view our schedule for the entire year. We hope these fun themes will encourage donation participation!

While we designate a monthly theme, we gladly accept other donations during these drives. The food pantry can always use donations of jelly, soup, diapers and, of course, financial contributions. Visit our page for donation instructions and a link to contribute online.

April 12 Shred Day

Heart to Heart food pantry will once again participate in the UAHS PTO Shred Day and donation collection. Hyre Personal Wealth Advisors and Herb Gillen Agency sponsor rental of a Shred-It truck for this event annually. The public are welcome to come with a box of documents to be shred for a suggested donation of $5/box. Originally conceived as a sort of Spring Cleaning event, Heart to Heart has been on site each year since its inception, collecting non-perishable food. This year, First Community has expanded their presence, collecting items for four ministries! Click the flyer below for more information.

More Information

March 21, 2025

By Weekly UpdateNo Comments

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 61 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Mar 18
  • 41 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Mar 19
  • 50 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Thu Mar 20
  • 17 New Families this week
  • 1716 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

MOFC Order

Monday we anticipate about 6,000 pounds to be delivered. We still need a handful of volunteers to help unload the order. Click the image below to view the order.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, March 24
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 pm- 5:00 pm MOFB Order Unloading (5)

Tuesday, March 25
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (4)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Thursday, March 27
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (2)

Sign up to Volunteer

News & Events

Generosity Match-a-thon

Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients.

We met our match… and then some! As of Friday, we have raised $29,307 during our fundraising campaign that started on Valentine’s Day. We are grateful for the generosity of all the donors who contributed! While our goal to be matched has been achieved, we hope you’ll still consider making a gift to Heart to Heart. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, but we welcome ongoing financial contributions in any amount, from anyone at anytime! Click below to make a contribution toward this campaign online.

Click to Donate!

April 12 Shred Day

Heart to Heart food pantry will once again participate in the UAHS PTO Shred Day and donation collection. Hyre Personal Wealth Advisors and Herb Gillen Agency sponsor rental of a Shred-It truck for this event annually. The public are welcome to come with a box of documents to be shred for a suggested donation of $5/box. Originally conceived as a sort of Spring Cleaning event, Heart to Heart has been on site each year since its inception, collecting non-perishable food. This year, First Community has expanded their presence, collecting items for four ministries! Click the flyer below for more information.

More Information


Friday, March 21 – Tuesday, April 1

On April 4, Mid-Ohio Foodbank is launching new software for use by partner agencies, including Heart to Heart! Next week, both systems will be down while their warehouse conducts inventory and does the work required to make the switch internally. All agencies, including Heart to Heart, will be unable to access their inventory, start any new orders, or make changes to existing orders during the shut down.

Shop-Thru is also unavailable until April 2, meaning we are unable to pickup perishable items like fresh produce. We are grateful to George Falkenbach and his friend, Mike, for making one final run to MOFB on Friday to stock up on as much as possible since we will be unable to replenish.

Read the notices straight from MOFC:

Shop to Support

Help provide for a family in need while shopping for yours! When you enroll your Plus Card in the Kroger Community Rewards program, a portion of your purchases will be donated to the Heart to Heart food pantry.

Sign up on their website:
The Organization Number is: TB926 FIRST COMMUNITY CHURCH

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

March 14, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 26 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Mar 11
  • 39 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Mar 12
  • 53 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Thu Mar 13
  • 27 New Families this week
  • 1,564 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

This Sunday!

Please bring your donations of personal care items with you to worship on Sunday, March 16. The food pantry welcomes donations including toiletries, feminine hygiene, dental care products, etc. If you are attending services at North, please look for the donation station sign in the parking lot and drop off your donations before you come inside! If you’re attending services at South, please look for the donation cart at Crane welcome center, where you can drop off your donation with our volunteer.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, March 17
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
5:00 pm –
6:30 pm Shop & Stock (1)

Tuesday, March 18
8:00 am – 9:00 am MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (4)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (4)

Wednesday, March 19
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (2)

Thursday, March 20
8:00 am – 9:00 am MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (3)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (2)

Friday, March 21
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)

Sign up to Volunteer

News & Events

Generosity Match-a-thon

Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients.

Each week throughout this fundraising campaign, we experience the impact of Heart to Heart from a different perspective. Click links below to watch previous videos:

  • Week 1 Co-founder & Donor: Cathy Klamar
  • Week 2 Client: Stacia Billings
  • Week 3 Volunteer: Carolyn Barger
    This video was not correctly linked last week. Click Carolyn’s name above to view the video. The link in last week’s blog post has been corrected.

In this week’s video update, our food pantry manager, Yohan Kim describes the impact he witnesses because of the services provided at Heart to Heart. The effects of this mission work are experienced not only by clients, but within the Heart to Heart volunteer team, First Community members and our surrounding neighborhoods. Your financial contributions to our operating budget supports the work that makes it happen!

We met our match… and then some! As of Wednesday, we have raised $27,109 during our fundraising campaign that started on Valentine’s Day. We are grateful for the generosity of all the donors who contributed! While our goal to be matched has been achieved, we hope you’ll still consider making a gift to Heart to Heart. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, but we welcome ongoing financial contributions in any amount, from anyone at anytime! If you would like to make a contribution toward this campaign, see the donation instructions below.

Watch additional Campaign Videos:

Click to Donate!

April 12 Shred Day

Heart to Heart food pantry will once again participate in the UAHS PTO Shred Day and donation collection. Hyre Personal Wealth Advisors and Herb Gillen Agency sponsor rental of a Shred-It truck for this event annually. The public are welcome to come with a box of documents to be shred for a suggested donation of $5/box. Originally conceived as a sort of Spring Cleaning event, Heart to Heart has been on site each year since its inception, collecting non-perishable food. This year, First Community has expanded their presence, collecting items for four ministries! Click the flyer below for more information.

More Information

Standing Invitation

Join us on Tuesday, March 18, for a special guest speaker at our Mission & Community Justice meeting at 6:30pm. Ms. Ashlesha Onawale, Director of the Deep Griha Society, in Pune, India, will share about the mission and work of Deep Griha Society (“DGS”) – an independent charitable organization working to better the lives of low income, informal communities in Pune, India. DGS is one of the partner missions First Community supports. They work with participants in and around Pune through a range of family welfare programs encompassing education, healthcare, child development and women’s empowerment. Join us on March 18th, to meet Ashlesha, learn about DGS, and enjoy a time of Q&A.

After Ashlesha’s presentation, we will split into our individual ministry teams for small group meetings. Everyone involved or interested in the work of our Missions and Community Justice teams is invited to join us. You do not need to RSVP or commit to future attendance. Please mark your calendar for these important meetings which will occur on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.

In the News

This week brings news of sweeping policy changes and proposals that will affect many, including the clients at Heart to Heart food pantry. Mid-Ohio Food Collective emails a regular newsletter from their Foodbank Advocacy Network (FAN) to their partner agencies. Included in March 14’s monthly FAN Update newsletter:

“At Mid-Ohio Food Collective, our advocacy efforts are driven by the belief that everyone deserves access to nutritious food and the opportunity to thrive. Advocacy is more important than ever. Whether through contacting legislators, sharing your story, or staying informed, your voice makes a difference. Keep an eye on our website and advocacy alerts for ways to take action!”

Related news items:
Updates on the Farm Bill and related federal programs, plus advocacy information is available at:

Sign up to receive the FAN update emails.

Thank You Tri-Village Rotary

Bright and early on Wednesday morning, Amy Caskie had the pleasure of hosting a Tri-Village Rotary meeting at First Community. About 15 of the club’s 40-some members attended, including FCC’s own Doug Torrance. In addition to their regular meeting agenda, Amy led them through a tour of the FC South campus. The group stopped at all spaces used by Heart to Heart to learn more about what happens in each of them. Prior to the tour, Bill Hall (Rotarian) presented a $4,000 donation in support of our food pantry operations! Some of these Rotary members will return to Heart to Heart later this month with donations from their current food drive and plan to stock shelves with Yohan. We are grateful for the generosity of Tri-Village Rotary for their financial donation, holding a food drive, and volunteering with us. The Rotary club has supported Heart to Heart food pantry in so many ways in the past and we are grateful for our continued relationship with them.


News from Mid-Ohio Food Collective!

Friday, March 21 – Tuesday, April 1

On April 4, Mid-Ohio Foodbank is launching new software for use by partner agencies, including Heart to Heart! While this change will lead to improved and more efficient service in the future, we will likely experience some hiccups during the transition coming soon.

For one week, both systems will be down while their warehouse conducts inventory and does the work required to make the switch internally. All agencies, including Heart to Heart, will be unable to access their inventory, start any new orders, or make changes to existing orders during the shut down. Also, we received this notice that Shop-Thru is unavailable beginning Monday March 24 and reopens Tuesday, April 1*

What to anticipate:

  • MOFB has already started to limit the acquisition of new items in their warehouse. We may run out of things more quickly in the next few weeks, since we are unable to order replacements. You will notice this next week if you haven’t already.
  • Our next few orders may be a bit unusual! We plan to order significantly more for the order on March 24 that will be used during this time period. However, we must still be mindful of our budget, volunteer workforce, and storage space.
  • For six full days, we will be unable to pick up produce and fresh dairy items, among other items typically available in the drive-thru. While we will try to stock up on things like produce, we cannot store perishable items indefinitely, so we will just have less. When Shop-Thru reopens, demand will be extreme!
  • If you are willing or planning to donate produce or fresh dairy items, please make arrangements with Yohan prior to delivery to ensure adequate preparation.
  • Every one of MOFC’s partner agencies will be experiencing the same challenges. We aren’t being treated unfairly or missing opportunities. Our clients will probably face the same issues at different food pantries, while pantries with alternative resources (buying/obtaining food elsewhere) may be inundated.
  • Our volunteer order coordinators (Mike and Mark) and the Heart to Heart staff (Yohan, Amy and Amanda) will take trainings on the new software over the next few weeks.

Most of us are lucky to be accustomed to plenty, and at Heart to Heart we usually have a sufficient quantity and/or variety of both shelf-stable and fresh items for our clients. But you can expect shortages for the next several weeks as MOFC transitions to new software. We have faith that the staff and volunteers will remain flexible an patient as we adapt. The good news is- everything is temporary!

Read the notices straight from MOFC:

Please pay particular attention to Yohan’s emails, the SignUp Genius, and our social media during this time. He will communicate last minute opportunities or changes as soon as possible. 

March 7, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 49 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Mar 04
  • 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Mar 05
  • 68 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Thu Mar 06
  • 24 New Families this week
  • 1,446 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

Monday’s MOFB Order

On Monday, we will receive over 6,000 pounds in our order from Mid-Ohio Food Collective. Click the image below to see what we can expect. We still need a few volunteers to help unload!

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, March 10
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (2)
3:30pm – 5:00pm MOFB Order Unloading (7)
5:00 pm –
6:30 pm Shop & Stock (1)

Tuesday, March 11
8:00 am – 9:00 am MOFB Shop-Thru (2)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (3)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (7)

Wednesday, March 12
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (2)

Thursday, March 13
8:00 am – 9:00 am MOFB Shop-Thru (2)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (3)

Friday, March 14
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)

Sign up to Volunteer

News & Events

Generosity Match-a-thon

Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients.

Each week throughout this fundraising campaign, we experience the impact of Heart to Heart from a different perspective. Click links below to watch previous videos:

In this week’s video (above), volunteer Carolyn Barger reflects on the positive impact working at Heart to Heart has made on her life. She also shares hopes for those interested in supporting Heart to Heart food pantry.

We are grateful for the generosity of the donors who contributed so far. As of Wednesday, we have raised $15,424 toward our $20,000 goal! If you would like to make a contribution toward this campaign, click the button to donate online or make checks payable to First Community Church with “Heart to Heart” in the memo field. You can mail or drop off checks at First Community South, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Watch additional Campaign Videos:

Click to Donate!

March 16 Hygiene Drive

Heart to Heart food pantry will hold a once-a-month donation collection during Sunday worship services to promote material contributions for those attending First Community for worship. If you are attending services at North, please look for the donation station sign in the parking lot and drop off your donations before you come inside! If you’re attending services at South, please look for the donation cart at Crane welcome center, where you can drop off your donation with our volunteer.

Please bring your donations of personal care items with you to worship on Sunday, March 16. The food pantry welcomes donations including toiletries, feminine hygiene, dental care products, etc. As we are able, we provide these items to clients both in the Drive-thru and Pop-Up Pantry, in addition to groceries. These items are necessary and often come with significant expense, but not covered by SNAP benefits. Your contribution allows us to provide an additional means of support to our Central Ohio neighbors, who are already struggling to make ends meet.

April 12 Shred Day

Heart to Heart food pantry will once again participate in the UAHS PTO Shred Day and donation collection. Hyre Personal Wealth Advisors and Herb Gillen Agency sponsor rental of a Shred-It truck for this event annually. The public are welcome to come with a box of documents to be shred for a suggested donation of $5/box. Originally conceived as a sort of Spring Cleaning event, Heart to Heart has been on site each year since its inception, collecting non-perishable food. This year, First Community has expanded their presence, collecting items for four ministries! Click the flyer below for more information.

More Information


News from Mid-Ohio Food Collective!

Friday, March 21 – Tuesday, April 1

On April 4, Mid-Ohio Foodbank is launching new software for use by partner agencies, including Heart to Heart! While this change will lead to improved and more efficient service in the future, we will likely experience some hiccups during the transition coming soon.

For one week, both systems will be down while their warehouse conducts inventory and does the work required to make the switch internally. All agencies, including Heart to Heart, will be unable to access their inventory, start any new orders, or make changes to existing orders during the shut down. Also, we received this notice that Shop-Thru is unavailable beginning Monday March 24 and reopens Tuesday, April 1*

What to anticipate:

  • MOFB has already started to limit the acquisition of new items in their warehouse. We may run out of things more quickly in the next few weeks, since we are unable to order replacements. You will notice this next week if you haven’t already.
  • Our next few orders may be a bit unusual! We plan to order significantly more for the order on March 24 that will be used during this time period. However, we must still be mindful of our budget, volunteer workforce, and storage space.
  • For six full days, we will be unable to pick up produce and fresh dairy items, among other items typically available in the drive-thru. While we will try to stock up on things like produce, we cannot store perishable items indefinitely, so we will just have less. When Shop-Thru reopens, demand will be extreme!
  • If you are willing or planning to donate produce or fresh dairy items, please make arrangements with Yohan prior to delivery to ensure adequate preparation.
  • Every one of MOFC’s partner agencies will be experiencing the same challenges. We aren’t being treated unfairly or missing opportunities. Our clients will probably face the same issues at different food pantries, while pantries with alternative resources (buying/obtaining food elsewhere) may be inundated.
  • Our volunteer order coordinators (Mike and Mark) and the Heart to Heart staff (Yohan, Amy and Amanda) will take trainings on the new software over the next few weeks.

Most of us are lucky to be accustomed to plenty, and at Heart to Heart we usually have a sufficient quantity and/or variety of both shelf-stable and fresh items for our clients. But you can expect shortages for the next several weeks as MOFC transitions to new software. We have faith that the staff and volunteers will remain flexible an patient as we adapt. The good news is- everything is temporary!

Read the notices straight from MOFC:

Please pay particular attention to Yohan’s emails, the SignUp Genius, and our social media during this time. He will communicate last minute opportunities or changes as soon as possible. 

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

February 28, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 65 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Feb 25
  • 35 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Feb 26
  • 77 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Feb 27
  • 20 New Families this week
  • 1249 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

February Recap

February has been a month full of events to celebrate this ministry. Read the recaps and see the photos by clicking the image below.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, March 3
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
5:00 pm –
6:30 pm Shop & Stock (1)

Tuesday, March 4
8:00 am – 9:00 am MOFB Shop-Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Wednesday, March 5
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, March 6
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (5)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (1)

Friday, March 7
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)

Sign up to Volunteer


Thanks, Yohan!


There is no food pantry without the effort of our amazing team of volunteers. Take this opportunity to thank Coach Kim, too! Everyone is invited to share a message of appreciation to Yohan Kim, Heart to Heart food pantry manager.

Yohan’s four-year “workaversary” is March 1, so we will present these as a gift for him in celebration next week. However, we will leave the station open for this activity through Friday, March 7, and add to it as the week goes on! If you cannot make it in before then, please send your very brief note for us to transcribe. (We are talking 1-2 sentences)

All the materials needed to participate are provided. Look for the sign pictured above for the Thank You station outside the Weist Room at FC South. You do not have to be a volunteer to participate.

Generosity Match-a-thon

Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients.

The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community, including neighbors like Stacia Billings. Stacia is a client that visits Heart to Heart regularly, often traveling by foot. In the video below, she reflects on the positive impact Heart to Heart has had on her life.

We are grateful for the generosity of the donors who contributed so far. As of Wednesday, we have raised $10,369 toward our $20,000 goal! If you would like to make a contribution toward this campaign, click the button to donate online or make checks payable to First Community Church with “Heart to Heart” in the memo field. You can mail or drop off checks at First Community South, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Click to Donate!

Volunteer of the Month

Bill Hinga is the volunteer of the month! He says, “I always feel uplifted when I finish a shift with Heart to Heart and am so grateful to have just spent quality time with such wonderful people.” Read more>>


On Wednesday, February 19, Pop-up Pantry volunteers braved 20 degree temperatures to deliver groceries to the doorsteps of residents of Southpoint Apartments. Read more about their chilly delivery>>

March 16 Hygiene Drive

Heart to Heart food pantry will hold a once-a-month donation collection during Sunday worship services to promote material contributions for those attending First Community for worship. If you are attending services at North, please look for the donation station sign in the parking lot and drop off your donations before you come inside! If you’re attending services at South, please look for the donation cart at Crane welcome center, where you can drop off your donation with our volunteer.

Please bring your donations of personal care items with you to worship on Sunday, March 16. The food pantry welcomes donations including toiletries, feminine hygiene, dental care products, etc. As we are able, we provide these items to clients both in the Drive-thru and Pop-Up Pantry, in addition to groceries. These items are necessary and often come with significant expense, but not covered by SNAP benefits. Your contribution allows us to provide an additional means of support to our Central Ohio neighbors, who are already struggling to make ends meet.


There has been plenty of distressing news over the past few weeks about policies and government efforts that will disproportionally affect those already struggling, including food pantry clients. We encourage you to stay up-to-date with these changes as they occur to best understand the impact on our client neighbors. A few stories are listed below, with resources and some good news sprinkled in:

Heart to Heart is fortunate grateful for the resources that allow us to continue serving our community. In 2024 alone, we served 30,548 individuals across 71 zip codes. We saw 1,902 new families at Heart to Heart, but anticipate even higher demand in the coming months. Thank you for everything you do to contribute to our overall success.

February 21, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 34 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Feb 18
  • 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Feb 19
  • 47 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Feb 20
  • 12 New Families this week
  • 1072 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

MOFC Order

On Monday, we’ll receive our order from Mid-Ohio Foodbank for over 5,200 pounds! Click the image to enlarge for a look at what to expect.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, February 24
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Order Unloading (4)
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Shop & Stock (1)

Tuesday, February 25
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (4)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Wednesday, February 26
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, February 27
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (5)

Sign up to Volunteer


Thanks, Yohan!


There is no food pantry without the effort of our amazing team of volunteers. Take this opportunity to thank Coach Kim, too! Everyone is invited to share a message of appreciation to Yohan Kim, Heart to Heart food pantry manager. Stations for this activity will be available through the end of the week:

  • Fri, Feb 21 through Mon, Feb 24
    FC North, outside Wing Grace Hall
  • Tue, Feb 25 through Fri, Feb 28
    FC South, outside Weist Room

Yohan’s workaversary is March 1, so we will present these as a gift for him in celebration the following Monday! All the materials needed to participate are provided. Look for the signed pictured above for the Thank You station. You do not have to be a volunteer to participate.

Generosity Match-a-thon

Donations made to Heart to Heart through March 31 will be doubled up to $20,000 thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas. He offers this matching grant in loving memory of his wife, Jill, who was the first official director of Heart to Heart. This ministry evolved from a task force, in the early 1980s, known as Project Adelphos. The task force was formed by congregation members looking for a way to, “put their faith into action”. One of the task force members was Cathy Klamar. She saw the project grow from its infancy, and in the video below, she reflects on the impact of our ministry.

This is the eleventh year we have received this gift from the Thomas Family, which has enabled our food pantry to serve an ever-growing number of clients. The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community.

We are grateful for the generosity of the donors who contributed so far. As of Wednesday, we have raised $7,080.00 toward our $20,000 goal! If you would like to make a contribution toward this campaign, click the button to donate online or make checks payable to First Community Church with “Heart to Heart” in the memo field. You can mail or drop off checks at First Community South, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Click to Donate!

2024 Annual Report

Click the image to view or pick up a hard copy at either church campus.

February is Heart to Heart Month

So many events have happened during our month-long celebration of Heart to Heart food pantry. Click below to read updates on each of them!

Click to Read!

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

February 14, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 57 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Feb 11
  • 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Feb 12
  • 68 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Feb 13
  • 49 New Families this week
  • 951 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, February 17
Closed for President’s Day

Tuesday, February 18
8:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (4)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Wednesday, February 19
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, February 20
8:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (5)

Friday, February 21
9:00 am – 10:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (2)
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)

Sign up to Volunteer


Kroger Rewards

Through the Community Rewards program, Kroger makes a contribution to Heart to Heart every time you shop.

In the quarter beginning Nov 1 to Jan 31 we earned $833.64 from the 240 participating households.

Enroll your Kroger customer loyalty card in the program today. Visit
and choose Organization #TB926 (First Community Church).

You can also login to your account to see how much your participation earned for us last quarter!

2024 Annual Report

Click the image to view or pick up a hard copy at either church campus.

Upcoming Events

February is Heart to Heart Month

Happy Birthday, Jill!

A full month of events shines the spotlight on Heart to Heart food pantry! In honor of our first director, Jill Thomas (below), we are celebrating all month long.

More information at

February 14 – March 31

Today we launch our annual matching fundraiser. Donations made through March 31 will be doubled thanks to the generosity of Duke Thomas, in loving memory of his wife, Jill. The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community. If you cannot make a monetary donation, I encourage you to volunteer for the food pantry!

Click the button to donate online or make checks payable to: First Community Church with “Heart to Heart” in the memo field. You can mail or drop off checks at First Community South, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

February 16

Please join us for Heart to Heart Sunday on February 16. Rev. John Girard will be preaching the sermon in all three services:

  • 9 am FC North, Wing Grace Hall
  • 10 am, FC South, Sanctuary
  • 11 am FC North, Sanctuary

We will collect a special offering in worship for Heart to Heart that will be doubled through the Generosity Match-a-thon!

After each service, join us just outside the worship space for a reception. Enjoy some cookies while you learn more about the ministry, meet the staff, and thank the volunteers for their work. Everyone attending worship can show their support by wearing red!

Even if you are not a First Community church member, or do not typically attend any worship services, we hope to see you there!

Reminders for Sunday!

  • Wear your team colors to worship- don your best Heart to Heart t-shirts, comfiest hoodies, or any other gear!
  • Check in at the Heart to Heart table on your way into worship to get a nametag!
  • Invite your friends and fellow volunteers, too!
  • Stay afterward for the reception… free cookies!

February 18

Darkness to Light teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child and youth sexual abuse in their organizations, families, and communities. If you’ve already attended a training and are certified, THANK YOU! Your commitment to keeping children and youth safe is part of what makes First Community a leader in the community. If you’ve not yet been certified, you may:

If you have questions or concerns about the training requirement, please contact Rev. John Girard.

Tuesday, February 18, 6:30-9 pm
First Community North, Wing Grace Hall


February 20

You are invited to the 2025 Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony!

Heart to Heart staff members will show their appreciation to hardworking volunteers that make our ministry possible. We will recognize the work of everyone that makes it happen, and you can get to know the rest of the team too! Awards will be presented to outstanding volunteers, and we will hear short remarks from the staff. All Heart to Heart food pantry volunteers past and present are invited to attend with an RSVP. We have extended the deadline and reopened the RSVP form. We cannot guarantee a t-shirt or dietary accommodation beyond this point, but we would still like you to join us for dinner if you are able.

Thursday, February 20, 6pm
First Community North, Wing Grace Hall


Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

February 7, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 75 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Feb 4
  • 40 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Feb 5
  • 57 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Feb 6
  • 14 New Families this week
  • 510 YTD Visits

Click here to view all stats!

Monday’s Order

We expect over 8,000 pounds from our Mid-Ohio Foodbank order on Monday. We still need a few volunteers to help unload it. Click the image below to enlarge.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, February 10
7:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:00 am- 9:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
8:30 am – 9:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm MOFB Order Unloading (2)

Tuesday, February 11
7:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (6)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Wednesday, February 12
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, February 13
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (1)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (6)

Friday, February 14
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (1)

Sign up to Volunteer


Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations Toni! Read more>>

Announcement Email

Click below for our February is Heart to Heart month announcement email. This is your official invite to all of the events listed within/below. If you did not receive this email- you’re not on our list! You can update your email preferences here.

Upcoming Events

February is Heart to Heart Month

A full month of events shines the spotlight on Heart to Heart food pantry! In honor of our first director, Jill Thomas (below), whose birthday was valentine’s day, we are celebrating all month long.

More information at

February 9

Heart to Heart food pantry is holding a soup drive during all worship services. Look for the team’s volunteer quarterbacks at collection sites out in the parking lot at both locations to drop off your donations on your way in or out. We would love hearty meal-type soups, and our Pop-Up Pantry is particularly interested in soup in pop-top cans for those without kitchens and/or can openers to use. Also, for a $5 donation (cash or check), you can become the proud owner of a one-of-a-kind soup bowl or mug! These have been lovingly decorated by First Community Church’s Midweek Mission (K-8 grade) and Crossroads (6-12 grade) students for this special occasion. Which service will donate the most soup?! Heart to Heart wins, regardless of the final score.

February 14 – March 31

For the eleventh year running, we have received a grant of financial support from the Thomas family. Jill Thomas was the original Director of Heart to Heart almost 40 years ago. In 2015, she and her husband, Duke, began an annual matching grant up to $20,000. This year will be the eleventh  year Heart to Heart receives this generous match, with Duke now continuing the tradition in Jill’s memory.

Beginning February 14 through March 31, make a donation to Heart to Heart and it will be doubled through this matching grant up to $20,000.  The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community. If you cannot make a monetary donation, I encourage you to volunteer for the food pantry!

February 16

Join us for worship services on Sunday, February 16 as we launch our Generosity Match-a-thon which extends through March 31.

During all worship services, Rev. John Girard, Minister of Mission and Justice, will deliver a sermon and a Special Offering will be collected, contributing toward the matching fundraiser.

After services, all are invited to join for a short reception outside the worship spaces. Meet Heart to Heart staff and volunteers, learn more about the mission of this ministry and the Match-a-thon! Cookies and coffee will be provided.

Please join us, even if you are not a First Community church member, or do not typically attend any worship services.


We are asking YOU to wear Heart to Heart t-shirts and other gear. Please stop by the tables outside worship spaces to pick up a volunteer nametag before heading into the sanctuaries. RSVP not required, but we would love to know you’re coming!

February 18

 Click the button below to register for the first no-cost in-person training of 2025. Further opportunities for in-person sessions will be made available as instructor availability allows

You do not have to be an existing Heart to Heart volunteer to take the training. If you are unable to do the free in-person training, you can take the training online for $16. Once your training is complete, forward your certificate of completion to us to be recorded.

If you have been affected by abuse and are emotionally unable to take the training, please reach out to Rev. John Girard . Your discussion will remain confidential.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6:30-9 pm
First Community North
Wing Grace Hall

Register Here by Feb 17

February 20

You are invited to the 2025 Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony!

All Heart to Heart food pantry volunteers past and present are invited to attend this dinner. Heart to Heart staff members will show their appreciation to hardworking volunteers that make our ministry possible. Awards will be presented to outstanding volunteers, and we will hear short remarks from the staff. This is an opportunity for fellowship among all our volunteers.

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

February 1, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • 75 in Drive-Thru on Tue, Jan 21
  • 44 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Jan 22
  • 64 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Jan 23
  • 45 New Families this week
  • 636 YTD Visits

Click for complete list of monthly stats.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, February 3
7:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:00 am- 9:00 am Direct Retail Pickup (1)
8:30 – 9:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 – 5:00 pm Shop & Stock (1)

Tuesday, February 4
7:00 am- 9:00 am MOFB Shop Thru (1)
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (8)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (8)

Wednesday, February 5
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, February 6
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (10)

Friday, February 7
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)

Sign up to Volunteer


February is Heart to Heart Month

A full month of events shines the spotlight on Heart to Heart food pantry! In honor of our first director, Jill Thomas, whose birthday was valentine’s day, we are celebrating all month long. More information at


Dave Westman is one of two recipients of the annual First Community Service Award. In the past few years, Dave has become a regular volunteer at the food pantry and serves on Heart to Heart’s ministry leadership team. While he is usually serving clients in the Drive Thru, Dave also regularly volunteers or shows up for special projects. He always goes above and beyond and does so with a contagious positive attitude.  Dave is also a member of First Community’s Board of Deacons and the Chancel Choir. These awards are typically presented at the Annual Meeting, but Dave and his wife, Judy, have been on an international vacation since December. The below video is a recording of our presentation of a placeholder award before they left and he will receive his official plaque when he returns in a couple weeks.  You can congratulate him and thank him for her service when you see him then!

Click here for a complete recording of Wednesday’s Annual Meeting, including the presentation of the second Service Award to Tim and Erica Carlson.

Upcoming Events

February 9

Heart to Heart food pantry is holding a soup drive during all worship services. Look for the team’s volunteer quarterbacks at collection sites out in the parking lot at both locations to drop off your donations on your way in or out. We would love hearty meal-type soups, and our Pop-Up Pantry is particularly interested in soup in pop-top cans for those without kitchens and/or can openers to use. Also, for a $5 donation (cash or check), you can become the proud owner of a one-of-a-kind soup bowl or mug! These have been lovingly decorated by First Community Church’s Midweek Mission (K-8 grade) and Crossroads (6-12 grade) students for this special occasion. Which service will donate the most soup?! Heart to Heart wins, regardless of the final score.

February 14 – March 31

For the eleventh year running, we have received a grant of financial support from the Thomas family. Jill Thomas was the original Director of Heart to Heart almost 40 years ago. In 2015, she and her husband, Duke, began an annual matching grant up to $20,000. This year will be the eleventh  year Heart to Heart receives this generous match, with Duke now continuing the tradition in Jill’s memory.

Beginning February 14 through March 31, make a donation to Heart to Heart and it will be doubled through this matching grant up to $20,000.  The success of this fundraiser directly impacts our ability to serve the greater Columbus community. If you cannot make a monetary donation, I encourage you to volunteer for the food pantry!

February 16

Join us for worship services on Sunday, February 16 as we launch our Generosity Match-a-thon which extends through March 31. During all worship services, Rev. John Girard, Minister of Mission and Justice, will deliver a sermon and a Special Offering will be collected, contributing toward the matching fundraiser. We are asking Heart to Heart volunteers to wear their Heart to Heart t-shirts and other gear. After services, all are invited to join for a short reception outside the worship spaces. Meet Heart to Heart staff and volunteers, learn more about the mission of this ministry and the Match-a-thon! Cookies and coffee will be provided.

Please join us, even if you are not a First Community church member, or do not typically attend any worship services.

February 18

Several opportunities to take the training program will be offered in 2025. Click the button below to register for the first no-cost in-person training of 2025.

You do not have to be an existing Heart to Heart volunteer to take the training. Further opportunities for in-person sessions will be made available in 2025, as instructor availability allows. If you are unable to do the free in-person training, you can take the training online for $16. Once your training is complete, forward your certificate of completion to us to be recorded.

If you have been affected by abuse and are emotionally unable to take the training, please reach out to Rev. John Girard . Your discussion will remain confidential.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6:30-9 pm
First Community North
Wing Grace Hall

Register Here by Feb 17

February 20

You are invited to the 2025 Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony

All Heart to Heart food pantry volunteers past and present are invited to attend this dinner. Heart to Heart staff members will show their appreciation to hardworking volunteers that make our ministry possible. Awards will be presented to outstanding volunteers, and we will hear short remarks from the staff. This is an opportunity for fellowship among all our volunteers.

Social Media

Make sure you are following the Heart to Heart on both Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the best ways for the world to share information! Every time you like or comment on one of our posts, it promotes engagement across the platform. When you share our posts, the information is immediately visible to those in your circle! It quickly helps spread our message- whether it be resource information, a plea for donations, or a volunteer opportunity. Sharing on social media is an easy way to support our mission. Check out these posts from the past week to see what you may have missed.

January 25, 2025

By Weekly Update

Weekly Update


Client Visits

  • Closed Tue, Jan 21
  • 29 at Pop-Up Pantry on Wed, Jan 22
  • 66 in Drive-Thru on Thu, Jan 23
  • 8 New Families this week
  • 1,373 YTD Visits

Click for complete list of monthly stats.

Monday’s Order

Click image below to view the order we will receive from Mid-Ohio Foodbank.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers next week. Click the button below to sign up.

Monday, January 27
8:30 – 9:30 am Cold Stocking (2)
3:30 – 5:00 pm MOFB Order Unload (1)

Tuesday, January 28
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (7)
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Drive Thru Closing Shift (7)

Wednesday, January 29
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MOFB Shop-Thru (1)

Thursday, January 30
8:30 am – 10:30 am Drive Thru Opening Shift (6)

Friday, January 31
9:30 am – 10:30 am Cold Stocking (2)

February and March are available for sign up!

Sign up to Volunteer

February 9

Heart to Heart food pantry is holding a soup drive during all worship services. Look for the team’s volunteer quarterbacks at collection sites out in the parking lot at both locations to drop off your donations on your way in or out. We would love hearty meal-type soups, and our Pop-Up Pantry is particularly interested in soup in pop-top cans for those without kitchens and/or can openers to use. Also, for a $5 donation (cash or check), you can become the proud owner of a one-of-a-kind soup bowl or mug! These have been lovingly decorated by First Community Church’s Midweek Mission (K-8 grade) and Crossroads (6-12 grade) students for this special occasion. Which service will donate the most soup?! Heart to Heart wins, regardless of the final score.

February 20

You are invited to the 2025 Heart to Heart Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony

All Heart to Heart food pantry volunteers past and present are invited to attend this dinner. Heart to Heart staff members will show their appreciation to hardworking volunteers that make our ministry possible. Awards will be presented to outstanding volunteers, and we will hear short remarks from the staff. This is an opportunity for fellowship among all our volunteers.

RSVP required by February 12.

RSVP to Dinner

February 18

Several opportunities to take the training program will be offered in 2025. Click the button below to register for the first no-cost in-person training of 2025.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6:30-9 pm
First Community North
Wing Grace Hall

You do not have to be an existing Heart to Heart volunteer to take the training. Further opportunities for in-person sessions will be made available in 2025, as instructor availability allows. If you are unable to do the free in-person training, you can take the training online for $16. Once your training is complete, forward your certificate of completion to us to be recorded.

If you have been affected by abuse and are emotionally unable to take the training, please reach out to Rev. John Girard . Your discussion will remain confidential.

Register Here for Feb 18

February 14 – March 31

For the eleventh year running, we have received a grant of financial support from the Thomas family. Jill Thomas was the original Director of Heart to Heart almost 40 years ago. In 2015, she and her husband, Duke, offered to match donations raised in a short time period, up to $20,000. The church and community came through to make it happen in 2015, and every year since then!

On August 4, 2023, Jill passed away, leaving a legacy of joy and hope, and prompting an outpouring of generosity from her loved ones. Duke also continued their annual tradition, this time offering $30,000 toward the match. Between November 1 and December 31 the church and community combined made donations that exceeded the goal!

We decided to move the match period from the 2024 holiday season to early 2025. Beginning February 14 through March 31, make a donation to Heart to Heart and it will be doubled through this matching grant up to $20,000. In honor of Jill’s birthday on Valentine’s Day, we will celebrate Heart to Heart all month long! Please check-in again beginning February 14 for a link to donate.

Save the Date

Join us for worship on Sunday, February 16. A special offering will be collected for Heart to Heart, and a small reception will be held after services. More details to come!

Volunteer Covenant

We agree to foster a welcoming culture of kindness and respect that upholds the worth and dignity of every person, striving to listen with empathy, and use teamwork to carry out the mission and vision of Heart to Heart.

Volunteer Responsibilities

Help us do the prep work that breathes life into the Volunteer Covenant, fostering a welcoming culture both for our neighbors and all those who serve alongside us. Heart to Heart volunteer responsibilities include completion of: minor waivers (annual), Civil Rights Training (annual), and Darkness to Light sexual abuse prevention training (every 3 years), and it’s a good time to review the First Community Minor Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct Graphic).

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, please check social media, your email, or our outgoing voicemail before you make your way to Heart to Heart. We not only make decisions based on the safety of road conditions for clients, but consider the safety of our volunteers working outside while the pantry is serving clients. To that end, we have added a minimum temperature for closing.

Heart to Heart will make every attempt to remain open during regular business hours unless there is a Level 2 Snow Emergency in Franklin County. The drive-thru (Tuesday and Thursday) will be closed in the event the actual temperature or windchill is zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower. In the event we are closed, we will make note on our voicemail and on our Facebook / Instagram pages. Volunteers for the day will be notified via email as soon as a decision to close has been made.