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Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
Director: (614) 488-0681 ext. 106
Manager: (614) 488-0681 ext. 203
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 12pm
First Community South
1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43212

Monthly Statistics

June 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served     537
    • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry 413
    • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry     124
  • Individuals Served      2,022
    • Seniors Served 244
    • Adults Served  999
    • Children Served          779
  • Meals Served   18,198

Incoming Materials

(in pounds)

  • First Community Church 2,369
  • Giant Eagle1,652
  • Marc’s 175
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)   17,180
    • Shop Thru weight 7,970
    • Order weight 9,210
    • Total Cost $2,907.59

May 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served 627
  • Seniors Served 254
  • Adults Served  1,096
  • Children Served 830
  • Individuals Served 2,180
  • Meals Served 19,611
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry 14,337
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry 5,274

Incoming Materials

(in pounds)

  • First Community 3,358
  • Giant Eagle 1,993
  • Marc’s 237
  • Penzey’s Spices 35
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight) 24,697
    • Order total WEIGHT 12,702
    • Order total COST $5,188.76
    • Shop Thru Weight ONLY 11,995

April 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served  497
    • Drive-Thru 352
    • Pop-Up Pantry     145
  • Individuals Served 1,751
    • Seniors 222
    • Adults 876
    • Children 653
  • Approximate Meals Served 15,759

Incoming Materials

(in pounds)

  • First Community Church  2,626
  • Giant Eagle 1,550
  • Marc’s  364
  • Penzey’s Spices 64
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)  22,912
    • MOFB Order total: 10,878  ( $4,580.50)
    • MOFB Shop Thru: 12,034

April 2022 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 582
  • Seniors Served: 267
  • Adults Served: 1026
  • Children Served: 814
  • Individuals Served: 2,107
  • Meals Served: 18,963
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry: 419
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry: 163

Food Received
(in pounds)

  • First Community Church: 3,641
  • Giant Eagle: 1,864
  • Marc’s: 444
  • Penzey’s Spices: 45
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 20,530
    • Order: 15,540 ($2,344.87)
    • Shop Thru: 4,990


March 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served     542
  • Seniors Served 219
  • Adults Served  952
  • Children Served          634
  • Individuals Served      1,805
  • Meals Served   16,236
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry  352
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry  190

Food Received (in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)            2,431
  • Giant Eagle         2,823
  • Marc’s     243
  • Penzey’s Spices  145
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)       21,750
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT     9,924
    • MOFB Order total COST         $4,802.99
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY         11,826

February 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served 449
  • Seniors Served 207
  • Adults Served 768
  • Children Served 571
  • Individuals Served 1,546
  • Meals Served 13,914
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry 288
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry 161

Food Received (in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total) 4,520
  • Giant Eagle 1,826
  • Marc’s 465
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight) 18,608
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT 8,265
    • MOFB Order total COST $1,442.20
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY 10,343

January 2022 stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 488
  • Seniors Served: 243
  • Adults Served: 832
  • Children Served: 712
  • Individuals Served: 1,787
  • Meals Served: 16,083
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry: 333
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry: 155

Food Received

  • First Community Church: 1,608
  • GiantEagle: 1,138 pounds
  • Marc’s: 524 pounds
  • Penzey’s Spices: 68 pounds
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank: 19,559
    • Order 16,893 pounds ($2,760.99)
    • Shop Thru: 2,666 pounds


January 2023 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served     450
  • Seniors Served 199
  • Adults Served  815
  • Children Served          592
  • Individuals Served      1,606
  • Meals Served   14,454
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry 297
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry     153

Food Received (in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)            2,648
  • Giant Eagle         15,268
  • Marc’s     6,611
  • Penzey’s Spices  1,276
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)       15,893
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT     6,567
    • MOFB Order total COST         $1,959.22
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY         9,326

December 2022 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 596
  • Seniors Served: 273
  • Adults Served: 1,132
  • Children Served: 830
  • Individuals Served: 2,235
  • Meals Served: 20,115
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry: 438
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry: 158

Food Received
(in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)   3,999
  • Giant Eagle  1,225
  • Marc’s   379
  • Penzey’s Spices  24
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)       21,216
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT     8,899
    • MOFB Order total COST         $2,275.19
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY   12,317


November 2022 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served:  691
  • Seniors Served:  336
  • Adults Served:  1,285
  • Children Served:  985
  • Individuals Served:  2,606
  • Meals Served:  23,454
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry:  513
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry:  178

Food Received
(in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)  2,961
  • Giant Eagle  1,904
  • Marc’s   251
  • Penzey’s Spices  41
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)       28,369
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT     18,539
    • MOFB Order total COST         $8,336.07
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY    9,830

October 2022 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served:  609
  • Seniors Served:  304
  • Adults Served:  1,101
  • Children Served:  878
  • Individuals Served:  2,283
  • Meals Served:  20,547
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry:  432
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry:  177

Food Received
(in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)      4,142
  • Giant Eagle   1,806
  • Marc’s   369
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight)       13,639
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT     6,187
    • MOFB Order total COST         $3,057.47
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY   7,452

September 2022 Stats

By Statistics

Service Statistics

  • Households Served: 575
  • Seniors Served: 283
  • Adults Served: 1,022
  • Children Served: 745
  • Individuals Served: 2,050
  • Meals Served: 18,450
  • Families Served by Drive-Thru Pantry: 401
  • Families Served by Pop-Up Pantry: 174

Food Received
(in pounds)

  • First Community Church (total)  5,952
  • Giant Eagle  654
  • Marc’s     512
  • Penzey’s Spices  155
  • Mid-Ohio Foodbank (total weight) 16,817
    • MOFB Order total WEIGHT  11,631
    • MOFB Order total COST  $6,645.16
    • MOFB Shop Thru Weight ONLY 5,186